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Original Post:
by: Demonos on Dec 29, 2014

Tulpa I think it is only human nature to want to explore. Find your line and go beyond it. The only limit is the one you set yourself.

Often times, people underestimate the power of their own minds. We take our brain, our thoughts, and our consciousness for granted. Most people do not realize the power they hold within themselves. Yet, day by day, week by week, people walk down streets living what may be perceived to be a normal life. But, as the cliche may go, what really makes life normal? Is it because we all wear clothes, we all have jobs, and we all follow the same basic routine, robotically, every day? Perhaps it is because we often execute the tasks we are given every day, simply because we have been preforming them since our inception? After doing the same things for a while, we begin to get a tunnel vision of sorts. We lose sight of what is around us, and simply just say focused on what is directly in front of us. If we look at things from the outside, and escape that narrow mindset, we can see all of the things we missed before, simply because we were not thinking straight enough to realize they were there all along.

Tulpa, quite literally, sits in the balance of what is real and what is not real. It breaks the norm in a sense that it would be seen by most people as complete and total insanity. However, if you were to look at it from an outside perspective, outside that tunnel vision, you will see that it is not so insane, and no so impractical after all. A tulpa is thought made reality. It is when you breathe life into something in an almost godlike way.

By definition, a tulpa is a consciousness, like yours and mine, that has the ability to think, feel, speak, and act all on its own. It has its own feelings, its own beliefs, its own preferences, ext. A tulpa is completely independent. Furthermore, they can talk to you just like you can talk to any other human you meet, and even exist in its own form, or body. A tulpa is a consciousness that lives inside of your mind, just like your consciousness does, and can get to know you much better than you know yourself. They have the ability to see out of that tunnel vision. They can give you a perspective on life that you never have seen before, and even come up with perspectives of their own. A tulpa is more than just a second consciousness though. A tulpa is a companion, an outside perspective on things, but most of all, a tulpa is a lifelong friend. Next, we should discuss the origins of tulpas, as in, where exactly the idea of having one originated. In Tibetan Buddhism, tulpas are entities created entirely by thought, materialized eventually into a physical form, and are still regarded to as sentient. Eventually, sometime in 2011 or 2012, tulpas were revisited by the members of the paranormal board.,Tulpa Creation

All creative people want to do the unexpected.

This is (obviously) the most important part, so please pay careful attention. In this section I will go over the creative process, the various methods and techniques that can be used to your advantage, how to and how not to overcome obstacles, and pretty much everything surrounding creation in general.

Creative Process The creation of a tulpa is broken down into various phases. Narration, visualization (voice, smell, touch, form, ext.), personality, and imposition. The order in which you execute each phase doesnt exactly matter, although commonly imposition is usually saved for last, and personality is done first. The order in which I have executed each phase is:

Personality Visualization Narration Imposition However feel free to do whatever you are most comfortable with. Next I feel it is necessary to explain the concept of a wonderland before we begin. A wonderland is a mental world or dreamscape that people craft as environments to tulpaforce in. The main idea surrounding it is that it is an area that you are comfortable and relaxed in, making it easier to focus on your tulpa. A wonderland also can serve as a home for your tulpa, and provides an environment for you to spend time with them and partake in imaginary activates with them. This can be anything from bike riding and scuba diving, to cave spelunking and skydiving. The choice is entirely up to you.

Personality First off, we have your tulpas personality. Their likes, dislikes, preferences, and traits that make them unique and contribute toward sentience. Most people prefer to simply make a list of traits and dictate them to their tulpa. For example, when I created my tulpa, I made a list of 40 or so traits, and began to read them off to her one trait at a time in a manner such as You are Placidia (her name), you are calm and collected. You enjoy quiet places and do not like when there is a lot of loud noise. Notice how the traits and characteristics I chose all relate to each other and make the statement sound more fluent.

There are also various methods regarding how to apply the personality to the tulpa. One that I particularly favor is to imagine your tulpa in your wonderland (if you have one), and picture each of his/her personality traits being manifested into some kind of energy ball of sorts, and have your tulpa sort of absorbing these balls. This symbolism is helpful to many people, and I strongly recommend it if dictation is an issue. Of course, you can use whatever symbolism works best for you. The thing with symbolism is it is entirely subjective and as long as you find something that works, you're okay. So, for example, let's say instead of having your tulpa absorbing energy balls, they are reading books with their personality traits in them. If that works, great, if not, then try something else. If you're going to use symbolism you may be dealing with a lot of trial and error. Now more recently, people have deemed that working on personality isn't really important because tulpas can "develop on their own" because it's supposedly more natural and gives them more "room" so to speak. I say do whatever you think will work out best for you. Letting the tulpa develop it's own personality like that with no help can lead to some more doubt issues and parroting concerns along the road. I'm not saying either way is correct, so you decide what you think will be best for you and your tulpa. is a useful website if you need help coming up with traits. Narration This is arguably the most important part of tulpa creation and is really quite simple. Narration is the process of interaction with your tulpa (notably talking with them.) Narration can be done all day, even when you are otherwise occupied with something else that isn't tulpaforcing. When you are narrating, you are feeding your tulpa attention and building them so they become more solid. Some examples of narration are talking to or with your tulpa, walking with them, ext. Basically, there are an infinite number of ways to narrate.

The narration process can be done during the traditional "sitting down with your tulpa" way, called "active forcing" and what is called "passive forcing." Passive forcing is when you are doing something, commonly talking to your tulpa, while otherwise occupied with something else. For example, if you are talking to your tulpa while you are working on homework or watching TV, you are passive forcing. Pretty straightforward and very easy to do, so try to passive force as often as you can when you are not active forcing.

After interacting with your tulpa for some time, eventually you will begin to hear some responses. Initially, these responses are generally "alien feelings" or emotional responses. An alien feeling is some kind of feeling that you feel on your body that indicates tulpa presence and/ or activity. A common example of an alien feeling is a "head pressure", a feeling someone gets in their head that feels like a painless headache. An emotional response is the sudden feeling of an emotion that is not coming from you and is coming from the tulpa. For example, you may feel a sudden wave of happiness when you put a song on that your tulpa likes, or if they beat you in a game of checkers.

At first, when you hear your tulpar respond to you or talk, it may be in your own voice that you typically hear in your head. This is fine, and eventually they will develop their own voice with practice.

Visualization Visualization is the process of imagining your tulpa in your mind's eye. Before we get into the visualizing process, I think it is important to go over your tulpa's form.

A tulpa's form can be literally anything, because it is simply just the body that they exist in. It can be anything from a human, to an animal, or even something totally different that has never existed before. The form does not impact creation in a positive or negative way, and it is entirely aesthetic.

The concept of visualization itself is really quite simple. At this point, having a wonderland is particularly useful because it makes visualization less bland. A good way I like to visualize is to imagine myself interacting with my tulpa in a very natural and human way as opposed to imagining them suspended in mid-air or something. I do this because it makes me much more relaxed and helps me to imagine myself with my tulpa better because it is simply more natural. However, if any other method works better for you, do it. You need to discover what works best for you, like everything else.

Tip: If you are struggling to focus on all of your tulpa at once, perhaps try to only imagine small parts of them at a time, or imagine them more distant from you at first so that their image is easier to take in.

Imposition At this point, it is best to have a tulpa that is already talking to you and you should also be able to perfectly visualize them inside of your mind. If so, it is time to embark on what is usually the longest and in my opinion, the coolest part of tulpa creation, imposition. Imposition is when you impose your tulpa into the physical world. No, I do not mean physically having them in the world, but rather hallucinating their form in the world around you.

Imposition involves connecting your tulpa with all 5 of your senses. When a tulpa is imposed you are able to see them, smell them, taste them, hear them (in 3 dimensions), and feel them. Now, when I say feel, I mean that when you place your hand on your tulpa's body, you can feel things such as the texture of their skin, however you are still able to push your hand through their body. A hallucination cannot restrict physical movement.

The way most people prefer to impose their tulpa's form is to simply look at something flat and imagine their tulpa's form in front of said surface. This is a simple process, however it takes a lot of time and dedication to master. Now, keep in mind there are many other ways to impose your tulpa. Another popular method is to imagine them standing or walking behind you. This removes the need to have to strain your mind to imagine them in front of you, and instead works on the idea that they are actually there, which is equally as important. Tricking your mind that your tulpa is actually there is equally as important as connecting the senses. Also keep in mind that collaboration with your tulpa during this process can be very helpful. For this one, I recommend exploring the various other guides created to find what way works best for you and your tulpa, if the methods I provided do not work.