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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Pray for him please
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Original Post:
by: Konstinios on Oct 21, 2008

Angle David Soto passed away september 7 2008 and I thought since we withces do spells for all most anything I figured you guys cvan either pray for Angel or dop a R.I.P. spell please. He was a cool guy, I didn't know him that weell but when I was having a bad day, he always said something funny and stupid to the teacher and made EVERYBODY laugh, even the teacher. lol I remember that. He always made everybody laugh even on their bad days. He dies at Jacdkson day (town day) he chocked on some food (rather not say cause honestly tyou might laugh, but here it is (don't laugh!) a shishka bob) he was rushed to the hospital but died. you can look him up (Angle David Soto jackson, New Jersey) he was a cool guy pleaase just pray for him or do what you think he would like please :'(
here is a link to a youtube video with pictures of him (i didn't make it and was 15 i know he l;ooks big and ALOT older cause he took steroids :( but you can tell who it is cause there arew no pics withpout him in it)