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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Yo just joined the place
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Original Post:
by: Levithan on Jan 09, 2008

yo all
I am Levithan Cresce, 23 year old chaos magician, healer, energy manipulator and spiritual medium.
Belza and another friend of mine decided to drag me to this place so here i am, hopefully i will enjoy my stay here with ya?ll.
Belza wanted me to speak with ya?ll about demons and other stuff going on right now, i dont know much but i have both seen and fought against demons since july last year when i giant attack wave of demons and negative energy swept throught over almost the whole planet and since that day the attacks has both increased and decreased by the day, i aint the only fighter out there, we are many and we are fighting to prevent darkness to overcome the planet in the coming years, what we know is that around 2012 it will be decided if darkness or light will rule the world, until that date i myself will fight and prepare for whatever awaits.
i cant reveal to much yet but you are free to ask questions and i will do my best to answer them all.