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Forums -> Welcome -> Re: Hello - & hardly a newbie
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Original Post:
by: blackroseivy on Jul 13, 2007

Hi all, I am new to this forum but have been a practitioner since the age of 14 (the 1 is now located on the other side of the 4, hehe).

I am Celto-Roman something-or-other; I was sorta Wiccan for a great many years - but was never really sure about it; most recently, I have looked into Druidry & I love it BUT it is so nebulous with so little precedence (that can be incontestably proven) that I'm not sure that's my path after all, anymore. :( I guess you could say I'm a little lost-ish! :(

Well, hoping to find like-mindeds amidst & amongst you here, in this forum/community. :D I would like to celebrate more, for example - but it hardly seems worth the bother in my isolated life in a place that is Xtian CONSERVATIVE (very much capital letters!!). :(

My boyfriend subscribes to no particular religious ideology; nor is he spiritual, really; he has read a lot & seems to think that that makes him an expert, to pronounce upon the futility of it all. One of my main complaints about the relationship.

So, if anyone has sage words of advice, please do share! :D

I have been making working magic - in a rather uphill battle against many obstacles - thus, my interest here. I still am gravitating toward practicing more, because I have seen results - albeit modest ones, but they seem to be building up to something more in my near future - things are looking really pretty good for me, so I intend to continue with the general upward trend.

1 other thing - I am disabled. I am bi-polar, I live on disability & I VERY URGENTLY DESIRE TO GET OUT OF THE SYSTEM. I am applying to an MFA program - that is, Master of Fine Arts, as I am a working artist, which is the area I am most focused upon as of late as I'm very serious & want to become a known artist within the next few years.

I think that's everything - for now, anyhoo! :P Went on at greater length than I intended, hope y'all will forgive me! Ciao for now! :D