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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Namaste
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Original Post:
by: KaliMa on Jul 07, 2008

Hello all~

I stumbled accross this site looking for a local coven, (of course with NO luck for a local one..) so I thought I'd try this out too.

I am a married mother of one son and two furbabies. I have been practicing Witchcraft in various forms since 1994. Sooo, I'm not new to the path at all... but I'm always willing to learn and share what I've learned along the way.

I don't have a particular "style" of witchcraft that I do- it's more a big ol' mix of shamanism, traditional witchcraft (NOT wicca) some of the slavic traditions I learned from my grandmother as well as some Hindu practices. I'm an Indigo, so I haven't got much in the way of tolerance for stupidity. I'll be gentle the first few times, but if you keep smaking your head on the brick wall, I might be inclined to say something....

I look forward to getting to know you all!
Kali Ma