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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Introducing Mo Paz
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Original Post:
by: MoPaz on May 28, 2008

Hey, there!

I'm a sixteen-year-old natural energies practitioner from Kentucky. I consider myself a witch, but I prefer the term "natural energies practitioner" because it's more accurate in describing my eclectic path. I do not participate in an organized or labeled religion such as Christianity or Wicca, but I do take aspects of several religions (many of my rituals reflect traditions in Wicca) and consider a variety of different views from others following a magickal path.

I am always striving to grow and learn through meditation and communication, so if you want to share your thoughts with me, even if we've never spoken, please feel free to drop me a line or three! Also, I'm not opposed to hear criticism for my views or beliefs, because there's always room to grow, but I hope you remain polite or at the very least intelligent in your criticisms if you wish to be taken seriously. ;)

I practice many kinds of magick; if the energy is natural, I am open to manipulating it for a specific purpose. I have one rule for myself: I must only practice magick to achieve a state of homeostasis; that is, I avoid doing so for my own personal gain or the loss of others. That's not to say that I don't handle negative energies; if I do, it must be to put my spirit's energy at peace ("paz" in Spanish). Note again that I am not Wiccan, so I do not follow the rule "An ye harm none, do what ye will." The negative energies are there, I am not magnifying them, I'm simply using them to put my spirit at ease. (Some may argue that handling those energies should disrupt my spirit, but I disagree through my own personal experience.)

Whoa, I typed up a bit of a novel here. Well, if you've made it all the way through, I'll be very impressed indeed! If you skipped over all but three lines, you're a lot like me, right on. ;)

Siempre en paz,