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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Now Now
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Original Post:
by: Jayme on Apr 23, 2008

This site, quite simply, as been turned into that of a high school. You have the bullies and you have the inicent. Am I talking of anyone specific? Yes, I am. Will I name them? No I will not because that will start more 'drama' as in arguements which I am trying to avoid. This is quite rediculous.

If you feel someone is lying about something IGNORE THEM. Do NOT prevoke them because it makes YOU look like the immature one.

Now I may be mocked for this statement but do I care at all? No. Why is it so hard to get along? Why can't we all be friends, or at least act to each other as mature. Some of you claim to be 13, 17, 26, etc. but a lot of you are acting as if you where seven. SERIOUSLY GROW UP. NO ONE IS IMPRESSED BY YOU ACTING TOUGH ON THE INTERNET.

Now this is the place to also share your feelings of me, if you have anything negative to say to me please say it here, I am quite interested to hear what you all have to say about me.
