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Original Post:
by: User18621 on Apr 14, 2008

Now I think most of you know about the Stairway to heaven backwards... I just have this chill everytime I hear it, I have heard it backmasked a couple of years back, I remembered about dreaming about Satan's little toolshed where he tortured us. And when I went to school and told my friends about the dream they just cracked up ...

Anyway for those who havent heard of it, Well theres a part where Ned Zeplin sings about taking 2 paths in Life, and if you play it backwards It says this:

"Heres to my sweet Satan, The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is satan.
He'll give those with him 666, there once was a little tool shed where he made us suffer sad Satan."

Now im not really sure who put this in his song, was it God or Satan? It's sort of telling us not to worship Satan, and I thought it was sort of wrong...

You can listen to it played normally, then reveresed here:

Give me your thoughts.