
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Spirits?
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Post # 1
So my someone recently passed away and I suspect their spirit is reaching out to my Grandma (she's Catholic) and they married before they split up.

She days that because his ashes are in Thailand, he wants to go home and is angry.

And for the past week or so, he's been appearing in her dreams and she can just tell he wants to come home.

Is there anything I can do if I didn't know him personally?
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Re: Spirits?
Post # 2

It's not good for the dead to linger in the living after death. This is what I want you to do. Since he was catholic I need you to buy a white 7-day candle to do a novena with. Cleanse the candle, hold it and pray to God to dedicate this candle to the Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Purgatory. Now focusmentallythat God is charging this candle with his light and see in your mind's eye, as perfectly as possible, that your grandfather will be attracted to this light and go into it to cross over. Charge it until you feel ready to stop. Light the candle and for nine days pray to the Virgin Mary on behalf of your grandfather he will see the light and cross over. As you do this meditate on the flame and chant your grandfather's name for about 10 minutes each day. Please message me when the candle is done burning and I will see if the candle burned the right way. Depending on the burn you can tell if the spell worked or not. I will not get 7-day candles that the metal part on the bottom is off-centered. Those don't burn properly. I hope this helps, God Bless! ~ <3

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