Hiyo! I am Kar!

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Hiyo! I am Kar!
Post # 1
Hi! I am Kar, and I am new to this site as of a couple days ago! I have been practicing magic for about a year ish now, even though I took a big break a couple months ago. I don´t have a set path, but I am looking for a path that helps me control my energy more, uses common herbs you could find in your kitchen, as well as a path that wouldn´t require me to tell my family I practice magic. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me some more discrete types of magic I could try! More information about me: I am an Aquarius, I connect most with the element earth, I got into magic (Real magic not that I am a werewolf phase which I was stuck in for a bit) by a person named Ashiok, I have a magic users wiki which I am hoping to build up more. At the moment this wiki has about 2 active memebers.... including myself (oh god lol) and 23 pages. I am a young teen, female, and live in Colorado. I am looking forward to making more friends and defining my path of magic! Nice to meet you! -Kar
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Re: Hiyo! I am Kar!
Post # 2

Hi and welcome.

You say you are looking for a path that helps you control your energy more. Practicing magic itself can help here. I suggest looking into energy techniques such as raising, directing, and grounding energy. These are basic techniques often used in spell casting.

You said common herbs you can find in your kitchen and I am wondering if kitchen witchcraft may be a path that interests you. This path can work well for broom closet practitioners. It can utilize such techniques as using kitchen herbs in food programmed for a certain intent such as love, protection, money. It is a folky path with a family focus. The protection of and care for.

Another unassuming way to use spellwork is to create small spells that can easily be hidden. An example is I have a little decor mirror in my space and the back like a photo frame opens up. I at times contain spells within the inside of the mirror, out of sight of others.

It is a hidden spell I had been practicing with, though I myself am clearly and openly a practitioner, in regards to my family.

This is a small example, that may help you come up with more ideas.

As for more easily hidden paths, green witchcraft alongside a safe, relatively untraveled or remote outdoor space may be something to consider.

Portable altars in this sense could be utilized.

You may want to consider as well keeping tools sort of minimal or unassuming as well at first. Incense, candles. There are plenty of non practitioners whom love lighting candles. An obvious tool such as a wand or athame is probably not best to start. A chalice can be relatively unassuming on a table top in your space. If asked about, it could be reffered to as a water glass.

Good luck and again welcome.

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Re: Hiyo! I am Kar!
Post # 3
Wow thank you! That helps a lot!
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