Sealing doll or jar

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Sealing doll or jar
Post # 1
You will need a few items to make one and at least 3 days of meditation and power storing for this to work.
1 stuffed doll
A lock of human hair or a piece of clothing.
A prickle of blood(optional)
Red thread and needle
White or black candle.
One box
Pen preferably blessed or charged under a moon.
Pen can have blood in it... if you cant find a pen get paint and bless it or add blood under a full moon.

This is used to seal away a person,ghost or other entities within an object. Another form of dybbuk but can be used in a variety of ways.
Firstly get the doll and the writing materials you'll need. Bless some ink or paint...
Bless the box you will be using and write any enchantations you will into the box on the inside and outside to ensure maximum quality. Make a circle and use ashes to make the initial circle. Start focusing on any sealing spells you may know and do this everyday onto the box.
Make a doll or buy one and stuff it with a bit of grass or hay. Grab an item or a locket of hair from a person or thing you want sealed into the object or doll.
Sow it up with the red thread and drop some candle wax onto it and blindfold and tie up the object. Write things onto the doll or jar...whatever it may be.
And seal it away. Put it into the box and always put a bit of energy into it everyday or every week to keep the sealing curse going... to undo it simple open the box and wash off all words or symbols you wrote. Undo anything you've done unto the objects and in a calm but sturdy voice say I release you. Do no harm to me or those I care about and be at peace... drink some red wine or juice to seal the deal with whatever you just sealed.

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Re: Sealing doll or jar
Post # 2
Is it dangerous?
Does it work?
Can it be used differently?
Never done anything like that and I'm really curious...
Will the sealed jar or doll affect the energy in the room or create an issue with spirits inside a house like guardian spirits for example?
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Re: Sealing doll or jar
Post # 3
This has been in practice for centuries and has had at least one one form of it mentioned... Annabelle doll and the movie dybbuk. Both of which are real cases.
Not safe but to be used as a last resort.
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Re: Sealing doll or jar
Post # 4
AntaresAandB magic is superfluous and ever changing it can be used in ways you wish.
You can put a locket of hair and write love me all around the jar or doll... and change it that way.
Sealing other things can be tricky but it has a few applications that can be changed due to formula.
Rose's and pink candles for love seal to have the one you want to only want you.
It is up to the user what they do with the knowledge they have...
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Re: Sealing doll or jar
Post # 5
Okay thanks for the explanation
I ve seen Annabelle and series where something relevant is being used.
I just didn't know if it really was working with demons or if there would be any conflict with spirits guarding a house in case inside the jar or doll is a demon for example.
I understand what you said about last resort. I think in case of a demon it can be messy
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Re: Sealing doll or jar
Post # 6
Yeah I can understand that
Thank you for your answer
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