Hello Again.

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Hello Again.
Post # 1
Hello! My name is Aurora- well my magickal name that is, I prefer to go by Aurora Fernfeather online rather than my birth name. This isn't my first time here, but it's been about 9 years since my last visit to this website. Back then I was only in the fourth grade and had stumbled across the website while on a hunt for a "Magickal spell" that could turn me into a werewolf- which of course never worked haha. I've always lived in a witches household- my parents being both wiccan I sort of grew up practicing witchcraft without actually realizing it. It wasn't until about 3 years ago when I personally started practicing and researching on my own that I really got into the craft. I began as a Wiccan but evolved into more so a Draconic Wiccan as I've always had a deep rooted childhood connection to them. I now worked with Dragons but also intertwine a bit of wicca into my practices, and consider myself sort of a gray witch.

Other than that I am a digital artist, and a therian+otherkin, which sometimes is brought up in my craft, but not too terribly often. I hope to be an active user here and possibly post some spells of mine here and get to know the other users here.
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