Defining Psychic Ability

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Defining Psychic Ability
Post # 1

Hello all.

I could use some help in defining my psychic abilities in a term for marketing purposes (examples, empath, psychic, medium, etc). I don't want to define my abilities on what I do right now (tarot) because I plan on expanding with many different projects. Rather a term that would encompass my abilities without being too broad (example, spiritual). Hopefully, this makes sense. Another example of what I'm looking for is "My name is so-and-so, I'm an intuitive psychic".

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. - Alan Watts

I'll just share some of my spiritual/psychic abilities and if you think I fit into a particular term, please share.

  • I know how to do things that are unbeknown to me to later find what I did was a legitimate method(conjuring, channeling, tarot, magick, etc).
  • I can see beings of a large variety in my physical sight and/or within my third eye.
  • I can hear beings internally (most times when I am channeling).
  • I had to filter my third eye, but when It was fully active humans spirits were receptive to me. In one experience a ghost had come into my dreams, showed me how he died, what he looked like, and the person he wanted to get a message to. When I woke up his spirit was floating above me. Another human spirit also showed me how she died. I was having a lot of issues every night with several beings so I closed that ability off.
  • Important Angels and demons have come to me unbeknownst.
  • I can feel energy and sense presences(examples, energy going through my body when channeling. Energy of spiritual beings, animals and sometimes people,etc)
  • I let angels get very close to me so I can often feel them embracing me, healing me, etc.
  • I have vivid dreams every night, I had a visitation dream with a very important deity,a lot of deja vu, and I tend to visit dreamscapes multiple times.
  • I don't really have visions but I did predict I would get in a car crash and saw the color of the car I hit.
  • I am very intuitive.

There are more but hopefully, this is enough.Feel free to ask questions if you need to. I have my third eye filtered, so I don't see beings with my physical eyes right now, but everything else is accurate as of this moment. I know I'm meant to open my third eye again so I can reach my full potential and further develop these abilities, but it's overwhelming.This is my baseline. I know I'm psychic to a degree, but I'm definitely not as talented as some other psychics out there, and I don't want to mislead people. What do you think, how would you define my abilities in a term?

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Re: Defining Psychic Ability
Post # 2

I was in the same boat and didn't know what to define myself. I didn't want to call myself a witch even though I practice some witchcraft to keep things balance in my home, but the title wasn't the best for me. Even with me defining myself as apsychic meduim is probably the best I can find that sits with me. For you I would recommend just researching differentpsychic abilities and see what word pops up that you are comfortable with. Have patience with yourself and you will find the right word to define yourself as. As of right now, I recommend on saying tarot reader if that is what you do or apsychic tarot reader until you find something your happy with. You may also wish to do some meditation and ask yourself that way a name might appear to you.

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Re: Defining Psychic Ability
Post # 3

Dragonearth, thank you, wow the same experience here, I've never resonated with just calling myself a witch. The title held to much of a stereotype, so I always called myself an occultist, magickan, or practitioner. I think the same applies here to psychic for me. While there nothing wrong with these terms, it just feels a little constricting and limiting but maybe that's just a fault in my mindset that needs to change. I will meditate on this more. I've been researching this subject and I've seen a lot of the information I've found be inconsistent on what a psychic, medium or intuitive is, etc. Just showing there isn't one set standard for any of these topics. I feel I need to release my ego-self (and stop being afraid of the stigma and a personal sense of insufficiency) to find the term that's right for me. I did, however, find a word that I resonated with it is clairsenses. It's the senses that make of the psychic ability (clairvoyant, clairaudient, etc). I think it is a nice descriptive term to define one's ability. Anyways thank you for your input you helped me iron out my thought process.

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