AA Michael question:

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AA Michael question:
Post # 1
If I ask Archangel Michael to help me remove someone negative from my life (no harm done), will they stop talking to me?

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Re: AA Michael question:
Post # 2

Many who work with the archangels have said they don't quite work the way we'd expect them to. Rather than affecting external situations, they're most often interested with the internal development of the person who has called to them. If you do choose to call on Archangel Michael, don't be surprised if, in stead of that person no longer contacting you, that suddenly you can't shake them, run into them away from wherever it is you typically meet them (such as work or school). Some have even said the archangels turned their lives upside-down to teach them very powerful lessons. Archangels are more likely to teach you to change how you react to the other's negativity than basically anything else.

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