In need of a spell.

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In need of a spell.
Post # 1
Hi, my name Is becca and I have a ex boyfriend that I'm still in love with, but he says that he wants me back. He cheated on me more than once. He lied to me about his parents being ok with us being together. I told him that I wasn't going to get baack with him again. He says that parents are ok with us being together if I wanted to get back with him, but I don't believe him. I want to know the turth. I don't have any spell ingredients and I'm broke. I don't have money at all. What should I do?
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Re: In need of a spell.
Post # 2

Hi Becca.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish or discover with a spell?

If you want to know if the person in question is telling the truth about his parents acceptance of your relationship, you could always simply ask them.

If you want to know if he is lying to you or not, there are ways to tell that are not related to magic. Watch his eyes as he speaks, be conscious of his physical movements and body language. There are many telltale physical signs that someone is being less than honest in what they tell us! Search the internet for physical signs that someone is lying to you to learn more about this method. And the best thing about it is that it is free!

Another thing you should do is ask yourself if taking him back is worth the possibility ofrepeated past behaviors (the ones that caused the rift and your subsequent vow to never be with him again). If the answer is yes, it is worth it, then take your chances with him. If you are indecisive about it, or feel the answer is no, perhaps waiting or holding off entirely is in order.

Life does not always require us to cast spells. It should most likely be a last resort, after you have applied logic, common sense, and reasoning skills to the issue at hand.

Good luck Becca! I hope things work out for you in the best way possible <3

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Re: In need of a spell.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Misc Topics.
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