Banishing spell

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Re: Banishing spell
Post # 11
Actually, I think the spell did ''work,'' in that for the past two weeks, changes in my workplace changed. But, my boss' behavior got worse towards one coworker, but what ended up happening this week, is he was called in to the HR Dept, and they have officially warned him. This has never happened in the few years I've been there, granted I never said anything and spoke up for myself. I'm not a confrontational type of person, but it just seems like ironic timing that I cast the spell, and two weeks later, he was finally called out. He is the type of person who doesn't admit faults, and think it's everyone else's issues. It is up to him now to change, since this has been pointed out to him through complaints. The HR manager spoke with me this past week as well to see what my take has been, and I shared my experiences with my boss to her. (finally)

I'm a pretty positive person and have tried to come in with a positive attitude, but my reason for being interested in this spell, is that HE needs to change, his negativity needs to go. It's unfair to have to keep walking on eggshells and take the higher ground when someone is negatively affecting the whole work space. I believe in still taking the higher ground, but from what I've been reading, a spell can help our own perspectives yes, but it can also work to rid our lives of unwanted situations. Like a chess game, the pieces started moving over the past two weeks. I can hardly believe the change that has taken place. But, it's yet to be seen if HE will change. He is the type to harbor grudges, when an employee makes a mistake, let's say comes in late...he never lets it go, and then starts bullying that employee, even after they stop coming in late. He needs to go lol He doesn't belong in the role, but if he chooses to stay...he will have no choice by to change his ways.

I believe that the spell helped this situation to finally move...and it helped me to feel validated, that I wasn't alone in how I was feeling about him. It also helped me to find some peace. But, I have to say, I feel a little overwhelmed with all that has happened the past few weeks, I guess because I honestly thought the situation was hopeless. Overwhelmed meaning...I really never gave much thought to spells in my life, and never used one ever...until a few weeks ago, so I'm taken aback by how channeling our intentions for positive change really works.
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Re: Banishing spell
Post # 12
It sounds like you have mixed feelings about the spell. The banishing spell sounds like it wiped away some of his negative energy from you. This along with positive thinking helped your outcome.

However, it still sounds like he is having issues with the other co-workers. For this I would recommend the following. A person is only going to change if they want to, no matter what spells you use, they might impact personality a tiny bit, but if you don't have consent for a spell. and if he has a lack of belief it makes it all the more harder to deal with the issue. As you are a beginner I would recommend taking a non-magickal approach, try and keep the team morale up by maybe talking with them about the issue, or bring in coffee one day or something, a happy team is less likely to focus on the issues with the boss. Further, you may also want to try making a bottle to absorb negative energy and put it somewhere in the area or on your desk to help keep negative energy at bay.

Hope this helps, good luck with your boss.
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