spell for AP?

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spell for AP?
Post # 1
Is there a spell that can make you astral project? I've been trying toastral project for 2 monthes now. Any help would be great.
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Re: spell for AP?
Post # 2
1. Sit in a dimly lit, quiet place.

2. Relax your body to a perfect calm.

3. If you have a familiar, you can ask it to come with you for protection. To do this, gaze into the animal's eyes as you stroke it's fur and focus on the task you are trying to perform. When it settles, you are ready to begin.

4. Open your chakras, beginning with the crown.

5. Visiualize your body bathed in a soft blue glow starting at your feet and working it's way up.

6. Call for your guardian angel or power animal to act as a guide.

7. Visualize your spirit separating from your body with only a cord connecting the two.

8. Focus your energy into becoming shaped as you really are.

9. Concentrate on your destination.

10. When you are ready to return, concentrate on the cord reeling you back in.

NOTE: this also works well to prepare yourself for walking the dreamscape.
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