Visions with Angels Help!

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Visions with Angels Help!
Post # 1
Hey... I have some visions about angels lately actually it started 4 month ago. They started when I begun to try wing and angel spells. Sometimes I hear voices in my head, which are warning me. In my visions I always sit in class and the teacher talks to the class (it's a tuesday). After some seconds 2 dark angels fly in to the classroom and break the windows. They are searching for an very strong angel which is me. They are killing some of the other students and after they killed 3 I attack them with a blue flamed sword and kill them. After that I fly out of the room and thats where my vision ends. I have this vision 20 times each day since one week and I have the feeling it's going to happen on the 2.12. this year. I don't know what to do. I'm not a expierienced magican but my ancestors have been ones. Do you know a good way to fight against dark angels? Please help me :(
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Re: Visions with Angels Help!
Post # 2
I forgot to say that my back hurts all the time and sorry for my english I knows it's not very good :X
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Re: Visions with Angels Help!
Post # 3

I can say with some certainty that these are day dreams and not visions.

Wing spells will not work, you can not change your body in any way or form by magic.

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Re: Visions with Angels Help!
Post # 4
I agree with Grace. It could just be a psychological issue, and in that case, you may want to cleanse and take a visit to a doctor or a therapist. You cannot become an angel through a spell, as there is only so much magick can do and altering your physical DNA in any way is not one of them. You can try connecting with angels through deep meditation, astral projection, or lucid dreaming, or you can ask them to visit you in a dream, but you cannot become one or grow wings yourself. Learn what magick actually is and then start doing some real studying, if you wish to peruse real magick.
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Re: Visions with Angels Help!
Post # 5
I think, against bad visions like those could you help mediation about a higher good being. Like a pagan god or goddess. Mediation about a name, the best "inhalation" a name ((inspire the name) with a wishes for help.
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