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Post # 1
English is not my first language so yes I formulate myself a little strange now and then. Anyway, I am part Swede, part French and have been on the path since 95.
I am not really sure of what I am doing here yet. I guess I am looking to see if I can meet nice people and share experiences and thoughts.
Magick to me is the act of creating change according to will. I believe that consciousness interacts with the fabric of the world and that we are all co-creators in the unfolding of events. This process is natural and always ongoing but it is only to be regarded as magick when we do it as an conscious act.

I do not think that there is "one" way to do magick but (perhaps) as many as there are people (if they got their act together).
To me, magick is very much like art (painting, drawing creating).
Form doesn't matter as long we have fait in what we do. Here I would like to say "Nothing is true but everything is permitted".
Magick in this way, is like democracy. People have a voice and can say/believe what ever they like but everyone will not, and should not agree with them.
I personally think that many in here seems to take magick to easily. My conclusions is that these people don't really believe in it.
I am open to speak to everyone as long they are nice, respectful and mature.

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Re: Hello
Post # 2
Welcome to the site.
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