Tarot Lessons!

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Tarot Lessons!
Post # 1
Lesson One:

Alright, so I am sure some of you have used Tarot cards before. And I am sure some of you are quite proficient in the art of reading them. But, for those of you who are new, I shall start at the beginning.

So, generally in a tarot deck there are 78 cards, and are divided into two houses. In the Major Arcana, there are 22 cards. In the Minor Arcana, there are 56.Now, here is some more info about both.


0,0) The Fool
I,1) The Magician
II,2) The High Priestess
III,3) The Empress
IV,4) The Emperor
V,5) The Hierophant
VI,6) The Lovers
VII,7) The Chariot
VIII,8) Justice
IX,9) The Hermit
X,10) The Wheel of Fortune
XI,11) Strength
XII,12) The Hanging Man
XIII,13) Death
XIV,14) Temperance
XV,15) The Devil
XVI,16) The Tower
XVII,17) The Star
XVIII,18) The Moon
XIX,19) The Sun
XX,20) Judgement
XXI,21) The World

Now, some people prefer to use only the Major Arcana, but I feel that using all the cards gives a more in-depth look into life.

In the Minor Arcana, there are four suits. Wands(Fire), Cups(Water), Swords(Air), and Pentacles(Earth). In each suit, there is an Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Page, Knight, Queen, and King card.

Each card in your deck has its own meaning, which I shall cover in the next lesson.

@Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to MAIL me at any time!
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Re: Tarot Lessons!
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
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