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Re: Pentagram
By: / Novice
Post # 11
The Pentagram has many meanings and uses. First, it is symbolic of the five elements. If the point is up, it shows the four lower elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water under the rulership of the fifth, Spirit. If it is reversed, then the lower elements are shown as superior over the Spirit. The Pentagram is also the sign of man, according to some. If you stand with your arms out to the side, and your feet spread, you point in five directions (Your head being the fifth, pointed up.) as does the Penntagram. It was also seen on early christian churches, and is symbolic of the new covenant, the five lettered name of God, which is the four lettered name, the old covenant, or the four elements (YHVH) symbolized by the cross, with the addition of the fifth element, Spirit (YHShVH).

With the Pentagram, you can invoke the elemental energies or banish the same. It is also used as protection and clearing, such as in the LBRP. When inscribed in a circle, it is closed, designed to contain the energy therein. You can draw the Pentagram, invoking or banishing which ever element is needed, where ever it is needed, or where the energy of a particular element needs to be cleared.

The Pentagram is primarily used for invoking or banishing on the physical and Etheric planes, as the Hexagram is used on the higher levels.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Pentagram
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12
A pentagram is the five pointed star by itself. Inside a circle it is a pentacle. It can mean anything you wish! Ask an astronomer; he/she will tell that it is the eight year orbital path of the planet Venua; the path draws a perfect pentagram in the sky. That's why the ancient "star watchers" came to view it as sacred. Many still do. Me included!
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Re: Pentagram
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
Sorry! Venus!
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Re: Pentagram
By: / Novice
Post # 14
The Pentagram has been used in more religions and traditions than you can count. My last post discussed the Qabbalistic use of the Pentagram, but there are pagan tradtitons, other religions, etc., that use the Pentagram. Every tradidtion will have a slightly different interpertation of its meaning. What is important is to find the one that resonates with you. That is the right one for you.


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