Christianity Hoax

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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 32
really bro? an Alien? seriously? lol
Jesus was not entirely man, but he wasn't an Alien, simply divine
Though, I can see how one could make the mistake, as both come from different "worlds" so to speak
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 33
Do you have any proof of what you are saying, answer me this, how do you explain the blood of st janarius and the stigmata of padre piablo, those are sure forms of proof of the existamce of Christianity. As for the whole Emmanuel thing. Emmanuel is the name of God Shadrach Meschach, and Abednego prayed to in the furnace. I know this because it says so in the Goetia. And about that whole alien thing, if I were secretly on abather planet, I know I wouldn't be anouncing my origins on the Internet. A large piece of proof you are lying is that you are trying to tell us you are an alien and trying to get us to believe you. I am a Solomonic magician, I have evoked most of the demons of the goetia, I have summoned all the spirits found in the arbatel of magic and I have summoned almost all the benign entities from the grimoire of armadel. I have memorized both conjurations of the goetia plus every evocation prayer I could find. I collect Antique grimoires and I have conversed with many beings. If Christianity weren't real, my magic circle wouldn't work and niether would solomons triangle. Do you have one unrefutable source for your claims?
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 34
"To each their own." Your circles work, and so will mine if I put a demon's name on them. It matters not in the names, but rather in you, though deities can and do help out from time to time. Forgive me, this is just a personal take.
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 35
To clarify, by deities I actually mean any entity, not just gods or goddesses.
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 36
No, the circles work because they contain names of God. The spirits recognize them and fear them. Even if your theory were right, what about the conjurations, if you replaced the names of God with other names, it would sound silly. As for useing demon names in circles, there is a circle with demon names, it can be found in a grimoire called the red book of appin. The circle will only work if the demon you summon is inferior to the demons in the circle. What I know comes from expierience. I know that my circles work because they are names of the Almighty. Have you ever tried summoning an entity with a circle with words in it that arnt names of God?
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 37
"Knowing" being the key word here.

You "know" it's your god's name is what make this effective. I "know" it's not, but you believe it so much that it works.

If you have faith in something so strongly that nothing can penetrate it, it doesn't mean it will work for everyone else. It means it works for you because you have no room or doubt to have it any other way. That's your reality.

Personally, I wouldn't use a circle to "summon" anything. But if I did, I know I don't HAVE to use God's name in them. It's the vibrations I'm using and the belief of WHAT I'm doing. Not the words itself.

Now you repeatedly, in most of your replies to anything, point out your experience and say what you've done blah blah blah.

Just because people work something differently does not make their experiences less than yours, nor less valid.
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 38
If the circle was working because you believed it. It would mean your willpower was greater than the demons. I only replie to forums that deal with things I am familiar with. That is why I point put my expirience. I try to help others but some people are realy stubborn and I get angry.
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 39
It is tied into our perceptions perrych. If you understand how perception works to some level, you will understand what Nevermore27 and myself are trying to say.
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Re: Christianity Hoax
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 40
Just read this forum on Christianity. Some sense, a lot of rubbish.
Anyone wanting to learn about how Christianity came into being should read about the Emperor Constantine. It was he who "blended the religion of the romans into what we now refer to as Christianity; such as the holy trinity, easter, Christmas, etc. Constantine took Mithra and the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; ignoring all the other gospels, especially the gospel of Thomas; and took the parts from each to appease the romans and the new Christians.
You want to blame somebody for the lies? (And it is not all lies!) Blame Constantine.
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Re: Christianity Hoax
Post # 41
the argument of chritianity will no doubt go on forever id like to say though that in my eyes it was put their to control the masses,sheep to a shepard syndrome,as for jesus he was most probaly a peace loving hippy who could do some sort of healing and was good with words and who loved having the power over people ,this is my opinion anyways,all to their own ,take care

hail satan,ave satanas
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