someone help my sex life!

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someone help my sex life!
Post # 1
I love my boyfriend with all of my heart and soul but he just doesnt please me sexually is there some kind of spell out there that will help me with this? I rarely ever get off and I know that it dont feel as good as it should so someone please help me!
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Re: someone help my sex life!
Post # 2
yeah he has tried that nothing seems to work it seems like we have tried almost anything and everything.
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Re: someone help my sex life!
Post # 3
Technology of Tantric orgasm, Self- practice.

It's good idea to begin practicing by yourself, so that you have total control and confidence. The purpose of this work is to discover different depths and variations of your body sensations and learn to orgasm on different stages (for women) or hold ejaculation in different stages of arousal for men, traveling to a deeper levels of pleasure. This exercise will help to overcome premature ejaculations for man and develop ability to have multiple orgasms for women. That is, to become a very good lover and enjoy your sex life at fullest.

1. Get ready to indulge yourself. If you feeling very horny and want just to get off, prepare to indulge anyway.

2. Begin to stroke slowly and lightly, relaxing on the way. You may have an urge to start stroking faster and harder, but no. Stop, take a breath and continue light and easy, finding the sensation of sweetness. For men who think they have premature ejaculation: if you feel it's coming, stop, take a deep breath, and relax one step deeper. Begin to stroke again, gently.

3. Play with yourself. Literally, be playful with yourself. Be your own toy and forget about your adulthood concerns. That's the next stage.

4. Now, as you keep playing with yourself, stop your mind and do not allow a single thought. Do not think, feel only. Emerge into sensation; investigate different colors and shades of pleasure. Take your time, enjoy your trip

5. Find the point of silence, or stillness in yourself. Stay there, this is becomes meditation. Listen to your body, it will answer all your questions now. This is point of prophecy you have just reached. You may have Kundalini experiences as well, a heat coming up your spine or you might see visions.

6. As an uncontrollable wave of orgasm will emerge from the depths of your being, do not force or stop it. Let it cover you and drown in pleasure. You will die here, but will be resurrected in the moment, and feel like new. ( I wonder if this is how death feels)

7. Now get up and go back to your work. You can practice with your partner, as well using the same technique while having sex or masturbating each other. There is one remark: you must trust your partner like yourself and be able to dissolve in her/him completely, that is, loose control while being with your partner. It is not easy unless you totally open to each other, are true soul mates or at least forgive each other being imperfect.
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Re: someone help my sex life!
Post # 4
ok wow wow i feel stupid replying but just love him dont force him to do something.just wait......................................aww gwd. *ugh*
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Re: someone help my sex l
Post # 5
i had that prob with my ex boyfriend. when did everything. what i didnt know was he was lying with another behind my back. so i learned to stop giving him what he wanted til i got what i wanted wink* wink* but that is just me:)
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Re: someone help my sex life!
Post # 6
i regret replying
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Re: someone help my sex life!
Post # 7
Oh sorry Zak, was my relpy a bit too detailed for you? lol

Hope I havent embarrassed you too much?

Oh well, no doubt you will come back to this forum and try it yourself some
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Re: someone help my sex l
Post # 8
21417 your reply is very very very clear enough. Very helpful.
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Re: someone help my sex l
Post # 9
O_o remember most of it is in the mind, so if you think negative the results are going to be negative.
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