Please help, Tarot Spells

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Please help, Tarot Spells
Post # 1
Hi guys...Do any of you know any spells or magic that use by Tarot? Like any of you know any curse will need to use tarot only? I want to know some spells or magic about using tarot to curse someone i hate...also,i wish to know if there have any other spells or magic is use tarot to make wish or do some magic about love stuff like that? are there have any of it?
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Re: Please help, Tarot Sp
Post # 2
My favorite spell is the Tarot Transformation spell:

It's very versatile. I remember reading a love spell that uses a flight of stairs and the Fool and Lovers card, but can't find the link.

You can also use one of the major arcana as a mold for a thought-form. Gather as much energy as you can, push it into the card with the instructions, name it and send it off. Don't forget to set a lifespan or re-absorb it afterwards. You might not want to use the Death card because you'll be re-absorbing death energy. Hope this helps.
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Re: Please help, Tarot Sp
Post # 3
Ravyne is this a good information. Bondvampire I think this will solve your problem.
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