Guardian Dragon

CovenDarkness Rising ► Guardian Dragon
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Guardian Dragon
Post # 1
Since there is no evidence yet proving what I say, almost all of this is opinion. At the end, I would like you guys to bring in your own opinions and talk about what you think. If you completely agree with me, just say that.

To first get connected with dragons, one must find the background of them. The most obvious is the dinosaurs. Of course, everybody knows that dinosaurs once existed. Museums are full of the bones and scientists are full of the facts. However, what most people don't seem to realize is that the comparison between dinosaurs and dragons is exact. What's a dinosaur? defines it as "Any of various extinct, often gigantic, carnivorous or herbivorous reptiles of the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia that were chiefly terrestrial and existed during the Mesozoic Era." So what's a dragon? says "A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a lion's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin." Both definitions sound very similar, despite the historical parts of the former. People may think that only the winged dinosaurs would be similar to dragons, but this isn't so. Dragons come in all kinds of ways.

There are wyverns (small dragons with only two wings and legs), Western dragons (the most common dragon people think of), Eastern dragons (long, thin, almost snake-like dragons with four legs and no wings), sea dragons (most like Eastern dragons, but with webbed toes and more at home in the water), and guardian dragons (which are about the size of cats, usually with four legs and no wings, however, they have the ability to walk around on their hind legs like a person). With such variations, it is much easier to see the resemblances between dinosaurs and dragons. As an additional note, dinosaurs and dragons almost always have a crocodile or alligator-like head. If dragons are not "alive" today, they most certainly had evolved. Scientists believe that the first forms of life came out of the water, rapidly evolved, and then were created into other creatures.

Now the real question is: Could a creature evolve enough to actually grow two extra limbs? And, not so much as that they are extra limbs, but that they are wings? It takes much food to sustain a creature that flies. When food became short, most dragons had to either move to other places or start adapting. Sea dragons are the most likely to have stayed the way they are without much adaptation. Scientists have yet to explore the deepest regions of the sea and oceans. As far as anyone knows, sea dragons could still be living down there to this day.

Now when I say "living", I mean on the physical plane. As we all know, it isn't exactly a daily occurance to see a dragon when walking down the street. Although some stayed on the physical plane and over so many years, adapted into the more "normal" creatures we see today, a huge majority of them moved off into the astral plane. But why?

One of the most obvious is the dawn of Christianity.

Christianity became the Roman Empire's official religion in 394 AD. With that, of course, came all of their views. At the time, the Bible was heavily and (pardon the pun) religiously followed. Within the Bible is quite a few negative references towards dragons. Once Christianity was official, dragons were considered allies of Satan. They were considered blood-thirsty, ill-ridded monsters who did nothing but demand maiden sacrifices, devour brave knights, and help Satan in all of his evil deeds. They were considered to be guards at the entrance to Hell, and even the entrance to Hell is still at times considered as "The Dragon's Mouth".

As these beliefs progressed, the dragons fled. They did not want to fight, and surely did not want to be slaughted by mobs of people. They started living in caves and in high mountains where they were only bothered every once in a while by knights, which they unwantingly had to do away with to save their own hides. At times, they would make compromises with the knights. If they didn't fight, the knight could go back saying he had slaying the "terrible beast", and then the dragon could be left alone until the next "hero" came along to destroy a creature that hadn't bothered a soul. As Christianity grew, the remembrance of how helpful and wise dragons were to people completely vanished. Most dragons eventually moved completely out of the physical plane and into the astral. (Some stayed, hoping to still be of help, and eventually evolved into reptiles you see today, depending on their origins.)

Without the guidance from dragons, the world eventually began to fall apart. The Dark Ages began, killing off intelligent thinkers and inventors with the ambition of Mozart, Copernicus, and Michelangelo. Once it ended, the world seemed to start over. Nobody could remember the dragons, and if they did, they were either considered evil or a complete myth.

But if it was Chrisitanity that drove the dragons away, and they were also considered the dinosaurs, how could it have happened at all if scientists say that "dinosaurs" and humans never coexisted? Well, that's what you're going to find out. Discuss that question and everything else covered today. Remember, nobody is wrong! After you have discussed your end, I would like you to meditate on the topic. I suggest giving it at least an hour. Please report back with the images you saw. If you didn't see anything, that's just fine. If you don't want to share, that's fine, too. Either PM me, or if you really want, not share it at all. It's up to you.

Good luck, have fun, and keep patience!

I'll give this at least a week. Please note you are not expected to meet a dragon during this meditation. If you meet one, that's fine. If you don't meet one, that's fine too. The purpose of this meditation is to further enlighten yourself in dragon history

Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 2
I've always though of dragons and other mythical creatures as an explanation of unexplained creatures. Ancient civilizations might have seen dinosaur bones and imagined huge monster living with them....thus came the birth of dragons. I honestly have a hard time believing that true dragons exist...

I'm not sure i quiet understand the bit about them growing "extra limbs" there were dinosaurs with wings, they did fly. They even think that some of the dinos that did fly evolved into the birds we know today.

Sorry, but i do not believe dragons ever actually existed here, on this world, on this plane. I believe dragons to be completely different and seperate from dinosaurs, if somewhat related, as an arabian horse is to a zebra. If anything I think that people encounters with dragons, lead them to conclude that these huge remains from dinosaurs would be the remains of dragons...not a huge stretch of the imagination. But I believe that dragons have and always have existed on the astral plane...or at the very least a plane different than ours.
I also think it's something of a stretch to say that if there were dragons here, that the early xtians drove them away. It just seems aweful like christian bashing to me. That's not to say If the dragons were on this plane and realm that they didn't have anything to do w/ it, but i think it's a bit much to say they were solely responsible.

Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 3
I've had/have at times glimes of Cat size figures about...... what your saying this could be guardian dragon forms?

I have always seen little cat-sized things running around. I never thought that they may be guardian dragons, that's pretty cool!
I'm not sure I agree with everything you say but it could be right. I never really thought about them as physical beings before, so this is something I will have to think over some more.

Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 4
My belief are that dragons are not from this world. As you mentionned yourself, dinosaurs went extinct here a long time ago. It is possible that, in another world, no catastrophe happened there like the one that destroyed all dinosaurs here. And that they evolved like humans and became very evoluated. Because they appeared before humans and that they had more time ahead of them than us, they have probably reached a higher level of evolution than us (I'm not talking about technology here) and they have powers we don't have. They're capable to come here in this world without the use of a spaceship, they can make themselves invisible, and plenty of other things I can only guess. In a few words,

I can say that they're aliens. From what realm are they from, I don't know, and maybe in their realms, they even have other planets with differents dragons on them, more or less evolved. Maybe they came here out of curiosity at first, maybe they came here to help our evolution and give us some of their wisdom.

As for the meditation, you're not giving any information about it. What sort of meditation should we do to get close to dragons?

Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 5
Put more detail Sidonus

Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 6
i enjoyed reading this topic. it did give light to some interesting ideas.
i believe that dragons are not of this plane of existence. It is my belief that they visit here from time to time. I do not pin the whole of dragons becoming an "evil" to the world on christians. In times before christianity became the major religion of the roman empire, that dragons did visit more and with better reception. Once Christianity took hold, the dragons were forced from this plane of existence. not so much as forced but not coming into it as often for the fact that now people veiwed them as evil beings bent on destroying the world. This however does not explain how the rest of the world seemed to stop accepting the idea of dragons all at the same time.
When people speak of sea dragons only out to harm those that cross the sea, i think that was also a misconception. People were afraid of the sea and afraid to never reach land again. Those dragons that attended them, were seen as trying to kill them rather than to help them through the rough seas. As fear drove the people to kill the "sea monster" attacking them, the dragons stopped trying to save those out at sea.
I don't believe all dragons are good either. Some were evil and possibly did burn villages and demand a sacrificed virgin. But as more people wanted to hunt them down and destroy them, they began to leave this plane and find their "fun" elsewhere.
I don't think that the dinosaurs of the past are anywhere close to what real dragons were or "evolved" into the lizards of today. I believe that some dragons decided to move into this plane of existence when the world no longer accepted their help and are some of the lizards you see today. They have stayed to watch over us and protect those that are still open to their protection. Some also, have become our predetors and hunt us in a form that we are more willing to accept as "normal".

These are all my own opinions. These are things i believe to be true. I am interested in what others think of the opinions and beliefs i have shared. Thank you for listening


Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 7
sid, i would also like to know more about what you know on this topic.
Maybe an abridged version or a different posting or series of postings might be a good way to share your knowledge with those wanting to know more.


Re: Guardian Dragon
Post # 8
aye, how should we go about doing this? Should we just meditate like we normaly do but try to focus on a dragon??

Reminds me of something I read somewhere, Dragons as physical beings...Someone came up with a theory that if dragons did exist, then their ability to fly could be explained if their bodies were filled with some type of lighter then air gas. This could also explain why they would breath fire (venting excess gas) and why no remains would have been found (something about being filled with a potentially explosive gas could destroy the remains).

Its an article in a book which refers to a book someone else wrote (which I don't have). I typed up some of the highlights from the article below.

Pavord, Anna. "Where have all the Dragons Gone?" Mysteries of Mind Space and Time, Volume 7. Pages 766-767

"A striking but fallacious argument for the physical existence of the dragon is put forward by Peter Dickinson in his book The flight of dragons (1979). "

"He concluded that dragons could fly because most of their bodies were hollow, and filled with a lighter-than-air gas; they needed an enormous body to hold enough gas to provide lift for the total weight of the beast; they did not need enormous wings, because they used them only for propulsion and maneuvering; and they breathed fire because they had to. It was a necessary part of their specialized mode of flight."

"the inside of the dragon must have been a vast chemical reactor with hydrochloric acid, already present in the digestive systems of all vertebrates, reacting with calcium obtained from the bone structure to form hydrogen, a lighter-than-air gas. The dragon's bone must have been self-renewing, depending on a certain intake of limestone.
The metabolic process could not be completely shut down when the dragon was at rest, so from time to time it would need to vent surplus hydrogen. The safest way to do this would be to burn it off, with an ignition system probably depending on chemical rather than electrical means."

"'Flight', writes Dickinson 'was achieved by a controlled digestion of parts of the bone structure. When the dragon died, the control mechanism ceased to operate and the whole structure corroded.'"

There's also a short summary of the original book here:

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