About Energy(My Research)

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About Energy(My Research)
Post # 1
There are many different forms of energy. Every living thing, every non-living thing, every element of the Periodic Table of Elements, every atom in the previously mentioned, gives off a different energy. Here are a few definitions of the most common energies that you will encounter when working with what I teach.

Chi- The Life Energy running through all living things, including the smallest fungi and the largest sentient creature.

Psi- The Mental Energy running through all sentient things, including the special-ed and the otherwise mentally impaired.

Positive Energy- Energy that makes people feel good, lightens an area, and fights Negativity.

Negative Energy- Energy that makes people feel bad, darkens an area, and fights Positivity.

Auric Energy- The Energy that Auras are made from.

Universal Life Energy- A combination of all the energies that come from living beings, it is similar to The Force.

The Tao- A combination of all energies from all things, living and non, it is a sentient and eternal energy similar to that of Spirits, Angels, and Demons(may not be best description, research Taoism for more information).

The Force- The Energy that runs through, on, under, above, over, around, and inside of all things.
The types of energies within this Universe are countless.

Re: About Energy(My Research)
Post # 2
The environment of an area has a huge affect on how well and what kind of energy flows through that area. Here is a short list of environmental conditions

Music- Most rap and screamo songs bring negative energy, ones with swearing or insults bring even more and repel positive energy. Orchestra and other kinds of soft songs bring positive energy, ones with promotional thoughts to boost self-esteem bring even more and repel negative energy. Either way the energy stays in an area for a long period of time.
T.V- Shows that promote violence, bad thoughts, etc. tend to bring negative energy and repel positive energy, while shows of the opposite do the opposite. Again, the energy stays in the area for a long time.
People- Arguing, swearing, insulting, etc. All these things bring negative energy and repel positive energy. Complimenting and using a gentle tone brings good energy, but isn't as good at repelling negative energy.

Colors- No individual color seems to have a major affect on energy flow, rather it's color combination. Have one solid color doesn't bring much energy at all while having many colors bring more. The kind of energy depends on the inhabitant. If the colors make the person happy then through that person good energy is brought, likewise if it makes the person depressed or sad then negative energy is brought.
Most other sights don't seem to have much of an affect except for shapes, you can learn about shapes in the Feng Shui section.

Pleasant- A pleasant smell usually results in positive energy, naturally, and can also be the smell of a positive spirit. A friend of mine happens to have two spirits in his house, one he likes to talk to for advice and she often smells like fresh wild roses.
Normal- A normal smell is usually neutral, of course, and isn't commonly the smell of a spirit.
Unpleasant- An unpleasant smell usually results in negative energy, naturally, and can also be the smell of a bad spirit. The same friend mentioned before has a spirit in his house that usually smells something like a skunk, this spirit has taken the form of a cat twice and the form of a demon once. She likes to try to scare people.

Heat- Atomic energy flows faster in hot areas, but Chi and Psi seem to flow slower. This is probably because, to most people, heat is relaxing. I also found that positive energy seems a bit repelled by temps over 100degrees whereas negative energy is attracted at temps over 110-120degrees. This could be because, at that temp, the comfort zone has been left far behind.
Cold- Atomic energy flows slower, but Chi and Psi flow much faster. In cold temps the blood has to flow faster to keep the body warm, as a result the brain thinks a bit faster and your Chi grows considerably. At temps between 40-70degrees good energy is attracted and is very active, whereas at temps of 0-32(the freezing point) good isn't attracted as much. So far I have not seen bad energy attracted to the cold, but neither can I say I've seen it repelled.
In my test all temps were measured in Fahrenheit.

Emotional Residue is a big part of energy alignment and energy flow. Most people are not aware of it, but regardless of what you do and where you are whatever you are feeling leaves a trail of it. If you stand in the kitchen clutching the stove handle, furious over some betrayal, then someone who is sensitive to emotional residue may feel your fury an hour or two after you have let go of the stove and left the room even if you did so in a calmer mood.
Good emotional residue will promote positive energy, but will not often repel negative energy. Positive energy allows the energy to flow faster and stronger then negative energy.
Bad emotional residue will promote negative energy and will repel positive energy. Negative energy blocks the flow of energy and weakens the ammount of energy in an area.

Re: About Energy(My Research)
Post # 3
Smudging can be done through two methods that I know of.
1) A smudge stick, for a proper smudging this would require one stick of each herb or one tightly packed stick with all the proper herbs mixed in.
2) A smudging bowl, in which you would put all the herbs you wish to use. Remember, if you choose this method, that the bowl must be capable of holding a large amount of heat for at least 15min and preferably longer then that.

Either way, fire is needed. The goal is to get the smoke from the herbs into every corner of the smudge zone (area that you are smudging). To push the smoke from either one you can use a fan, many Native Americans used feather fans, or to control the smoke from the stick you can simply move it into the spot you want the smoke in.

Herbs include;

Sage- An herb for repelling evil, healing chi-wounds (or flaws in energy flow), and for relaxation purposes. Sage is a required ingredient for a proper smudge, and can also be smoked to purify your body.

Sweet Grass- An herb used for inviting good spirits and energy, relaxing the body, and bringing a good mood. Sweet Grass, as it turns out, is also appealing to evil spirits so it is vital that Sage is either burned at the same time or burned before the Sweet Grass.

Lavender- An herb used for inducing peace, aiding in Astral Projection, and calming both the mind and the spirit.

Tobacco- An herb used as an offering to spirits, helping the other herbs burn by scattering/pressing it around them, and adding density to the smudge-smoke.

Ceder Bark- A bark used for cleaning or purifying a place, bringing protection from evil, and enhancing/elongating the affects of Sage.

I would recommend using all five plants if you can, but Sage and Sweet Grass is all that's really needed. Just remember to burn the Sage BEFORE the Sweet Grass, otherwise you invite both good and evil before banishing evil and the evil you first invite may try to get rid of the good before they have to leave.

I also recommend keeping a little bit of each plant with you at all times if you can. The Native Americans would carry their plants and stones in a medicine bag, if you can get one of those that would work. I have a medicine bag that I put on my belt and the advantage of that is whenever I go somewhere that I don't want people knowing I have a medicine bag in I can put it in my pocket. If you get the kind that you wear around your neck you can tuck it into your shirt, but that can leave a bulge which may lead to questions.

Smoking any of the plants besides Sage is not advised because they can really mess up both your lungs and your brain.
When smoking Sage remember to only take it into your mouth, hold it for a few seconds, and then let it out.

Re: About Energy(My Research)
Post # 4
Auras can be seen through practice. Just look at the edge of someone's body without focusing your eyes and let yourself relax. If you see a kind of light radiating from them, that is possibly an aura. Keep in mind, however, that it could also be a trick of the light. Just keep practicing until you can see auras in any light, then you'll know that you are seeing real auras and it should be relatively easy for you.

There are many different kinds of auras including spiritual, emotional, Psi, and Chi auras. Most people can only see one type, but with enough practice you can learn to rotate between them and tell the difference between them when you accidentally see one.

Life aura will tell you how alive someone is or how far from death. This is great for doctors and nurses or people caring for people who are normally sick/unhealthy.

Chi aura will tell you how awake or energized the person is feeling. This is great for fighters who want to know how far their opponents are from passing out or giving up. Also good for managers who need to know who is slacking at work and who is just to plain tired to go on.

Spiritual aura is great in diplomacy because it doesn't just tell you spiritual strength by size of aura, it tells you a person's basic intent by color of aura. This is the kind of aura I normally see although I am always working on the others as well. Here's two examples:

1) a strong good aura I saw was at a funeral, the nephew/adopted son of the women who passed away let his mind be eased by his higher power (he's a Christian) and his aura immediately exploded into a bright gold glow that was so brilliant and beautiful I can't think of words to describe it.

2) a women walked into our church (a Native American mixed-tribe Christian building) and started a fight with everyone. All the people defending the church took up auras of brilliant gold, but her thin little aura was a deep bloody red and her face reflected that of a demon I had once seen in a dream as she stomped off in defeat.
General color coding is this:

Gold - very close to higher power by state of mind and with good intent
Green - close higher power by state of mind and with good intent
Blue mixed with green - Unsure and off balance, often confused and lost
Blue - drifting away from higher power and often with ill intent
Purple - far from higher power and with evil intent
Red - very far from higher power and with evil intent, often demon possessed.
Colors may vary from person to person and blend more or less then I mentioned, but that's the basic of what I see. Since I don't have your eyes I can't say what you'll see for certain.

Emotional aura, of course, shows your emotions by color. This is also good for diplomats, lawyers, and police because, if you learn which color stands for which feeling, you can tell when the person you're interrogating is afraid or nervous.

Re: About Energy(My Research)
Post # 5
Great post:)

Re: About Energy(My Research)
Post # 6
Thank you.

Re: About Energy(My Research)
Post # 7
First post is from: http://magickcircle.forumotion.com/t460-types-of-energy

Second post is from: http://magickcircle.forumotion.com/t461-energy-flow

Third is from: http://magickcircle.forumotion.com/t462-cleansing-smudging

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