The sphere of protection

CovenHealers of Light ► The sphere of protection
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The sphere of protection
Post # 1
Try combining the following visualization technique with your meditation to develop the two skills at the same time.Sit comfortably and close your eyes.Now imagine or mentally create a ball of white fire about arms length in the front of you.See it spinning and glowing strongly.See the ball begin to expand so that is surrounds you,below your feet and above your head ,enclosing you in a sphere of brilliant light like a luminous bubble.Continue to imagine yourself seated within this rainbow-hued globe,and notice how it feels,To come out the visualization,gradually let the image fade away and take a few deep breaths.

Magically Yours- Abrasax

Re: The sphere of protection
Post # 2
we should do which one first visualization technique or meditation?

Re: The sphere of protection
Post # 3
I use the same sort of technique i visualize a brilliant white light encircling me from head to toe like a bubble , that i step inside for protection then i meditate , people have different techniques i suppose ,i think it's what works best for each individual always good to use protection barriers as then you don't draw any unwanted negativity to yourself , i found out the hard way when i meditated the other day without my barrier and drawed in a negative energy that basicly jumped on me making me dizzy and sick when i say sick i mean i had to throw up . blessed be all love n light sue x

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