Sex Magik

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Sex Magik
Post # 1
Few discussions of occult interest receive such scandalous attention as does the topic of sex magik. This is undoubtedly due to our society's lack of both understanding and respect for sexuality, and the body as a whole; a society which seeks to regulate the use of our bodies and legislate sexual expression. By viewing sexuality as either sin or obsession, we shield our eyes and betray our fear to look into the depths of the transformative well of power that it holds for us. We fail to see that it too is sacred.

When we open ourselves to the erotic energy of the universe, we participate in it's cosmic dance and become living poetry. With every sway of our hips a world is born; with every long drawn breath, the death of a star. Creation and destruction spiral through us to infinity, building with a swelling desire, calling to us the Old Gods that they may celebrate through our embraces, and in this way we are truly priests of the old ways.

I define sex magik as the practice of channeling energy generated from sexual expression into a desired goal through the use of symbolism and focused intent. Often this entails the ritualization of sexual activity through the use of applied breathing techniques designed to relax the body and mind. This can be followed by the invocation of deities into the bodies of the participants or working area. Finally the erotic energy is directed into a desired result by means of visualization. This is usually but not always, at the point of climax.

As with any other ritual tool or magikal tool, sex magik must be used and performed with sincerity. This is a very powerful tool and should be taken seriously. This page reflects what I have learned from several sources, and from my own experience. I have experience with this form of magik, and I have a sincere interest in it as I do with other forms of rituals, spells and magikal tools. This page is not meant to be a twisted, demented view of paganism. My views on sex are completely harmless and natural and this page is ONLY meant to be another write up of another tool. Again , I am not suggesting any twisted sexual undertones here. I am only presenting another form of ritual and magikal tool that should be used with all seriousness and with sincerity. Do not mail me about sex, that is not my intent and I do not want to give the wrong impression to anyone. If I receive mail suggesting this post is a joke then I will take it down because I am serious about my magik. If the concepts on this page offend anyone, then I am sorry and perhaps another page is more suitable.

Sex magik is a powerful tool to get what you want, but it can also be misunderstood and misused because it may be seen as nothing more than porno when in fact it is a beautiful act two people can share together or it can be performed alone or even symbolically. Sex magik is performed not as a form of 'sleazy' sex , but as a tool to raise the energies of a person or two people to perform a ritual. Sex amongst Grey casters is believed to be a celebration of the bodies of both man and woman, god and goddess, natural and open, something beautiful. It can be performed to symbolize the god and goddess or to bring two people together. I must confess, I have not been blessed with a willing partner and therefore I can only relate what I have learned. I believe that sex magik can be an erotic form of sex and a powerful tool to get what you want and it is the least manipulative of spell craft since both partners are fully aware and synchronized to agree and know what is going on. And, I believe it can have a powerful hold on the two people involved. How many of you can perform while maintaining eye contact and focus throughout the act? It leaves one open and vulnerable and this is why it is the most difficult to maintain throughout the act.

Beltane is the most obvious sexual time of celebration, the traditional Maypole is itself an obvious phallic symbol. Sex is seen as a gift, a pleasure given to us from the god and goddess. To fully understand and appreciate sex magik one must shed all Christian fundamentalist principles that tend to leave one with repressive guilt and shame. Sex magik rituals are most suitable for the Beltane sabbot.

Aleistar Crowley suggests that when performing sex magik the woman must be submissive and the vessel for the man. I don`t know how you all feel about this in this day and age, but this may work well for some spells. It may be useful for the woman to try to retain the energy for as long as possible before submitting. It may be useful for some rituals for the man to shape shift into an animal.

There are three kinds of sex magick:

Monofocal - Focus is on one. This can be done through symbolism or self masturbation or assistance by another or even a group. This solitary method is good for divination purposes. You can alter your state of consciousness or work with a sigil in mind. If you are assisted by another for divination purposes this is called eroto-comatose lucidity (ECL).

Duofocal - Focus on two. This is performed with two partners. Love is important for this focus, but don`t get this confused with the romantic kind of love. As Alleister Crowley states, "love is the law, love under will" . The purpose of this is to unite two opposites, for example : the man and woman, magnetic and electric, yin and yang.

Polyfocul - Focus on many, a group with one, a leader to guide the energy to serve a purpose. This form of sex magik is not meant to be an orgy, but it is sex with multiple partners at one time for the purpose of raising energies and being guided by a leader. The guide`s purpose is to organize and direct the energies.

Re: Sex Magik
Post # 2
Whenever I say that I'm a practitioner of sex magik, I almost invariably get a reaction like "oooh, do tell". What many fail to understand is that sex magik is nothing more than harnessing sexual energy that would otherwise be released into the cosmos without purpose. And for the thrill-seekers, sex magick can actually be less fun than regular sex.

What is sex magik used for? Some people seem to think that sex magik is mainly used in love spells. On the contrary, sexual energy can be utilized to perform any task, but I've found it especially powerful in matters concerning life itself, such as healing. Even in The Golden Bough it was mentioned how farmers would make love on a field they had just planted to ensure fertility.

Re: Sex Magik
Post # 3
Thank you for sharing this "Misunderstood Topic" with us all.

My own beliefs are as follows - I can never understand the individuals who turn to Black Magik for Erotic Sex.
I see Love Spells as "Forcing the unwilling to Love".

I find this more appealing in the way of making love without any forceful magik of any kind -

First, prepare the room where you and your partner will be. Light candles and incense to cleanse the air, soft music to ease the spirit, and flower petals covering the bed or the area you wish to come together, to bring that feel of nature as well as yourselves back to the simple elements of life and love. This will be your sacred space.

Begin by showering together, washing one another to cleanse away the elements of lovers past, so that all is fresh and new. Next, hold one another and focus on the person, allowing your energy, the essence of you to go into them and they into you, so they will feel you totally. As you make love you will have a truly mental, physical and spiritual experience with the person you want to share yourself with.

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