scrying and divination!!!

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scrying and divination!!!
Post # 1
Hey everyone, the lesson I would like to teach you all, which is one of the most basic forms of magick but it is powerful and in later forms can be seen as advanced or some forms of which can be considered high magick. SCRYING (trumpets in backround).

Now as a brief little look onto scrying. Scrying is a form of divination in which you can use objects which have been made for certain tasks like answering your questions, reading the future, locating items and people, and a couple other things can be done but these are the basics.

Now there are many forms to the tools that are used for divination. I will list them below according to the class that they are fit into (or what some would call difficulty levels):

I will go in depth with these in order that I put them down here as to teaching them at the very least.


Pendulum-> This is the most basic of divination. It is a pointed object attached to a string (or chain, etc.). Now the pendulum is the easiest to learn to use and it is my personal favourite because it can answer a variety of questions. Some examples of what they look like are on the links below. They can be home made or bought at a store, it doesn’t matter.

They can be made with any materials, just as long as it is pointed. Also the string should be about 5-12 inches long.

L-Rods-> These are rods that look like the letter L. They come in sets of two. They are mainly for finding lost items. Another name for which are dousing rods.

Y-rod-> This is basically the single version of the L-rods and can be used for finding water.


Tarot Cards-> Tarot cards are what many would call the “fortune teller’s cards” because they are used to see future events and they tell you in the form of numbers and pictures. Each are broken up into a Higher Arcania and Lesser Arcania. The higher meaning more powerful cards like World, Death and such, while the lesser has the numbers which look like a playing card deck. They come in a variety of packets. My personal suggestion for beginners in tarot reading is to go with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck because it is the most basic deck out there to use. Others go into more detail on specific subjects such as love decks, the angel deck, ect. Here are the Higher Arcania:

Scrying Pools-> this is a very advanced divination which requires experience and concentration to accomplish. These are black pools or dark pools that are filled with water and you basically touch the water or leave it and watch it settle and you focus on what you’re looking for and soon you will see it, but you must see nothing on the bottom but black. Here is a scrying pool bowl:

Sand divination-> I am not very familiar with this form of divination but it originated from aboriginal shamans whom would take finely ground sand or ash and from the way it fell out of their hand it would tell you what was going on, what would happen and such.

Smoke divination-> This is a more fun divination in which you create a large fire and you throw in later on an incent or such to create clouds of smoke and from the clouds you try to find the images and from the images your future is told, or events of your life are told.

Book divination-> This divination I find really odd but in almost every case it works. You mold your question in your mind and you walk into a library or book store and find a book that calls to you , no matter the name (this is which you need to have good energy feelings or else you wont find the book!) and pick the book out and the page it lands on read the first sentence that catches your eye no matter where, that is the future reading given.


Now the reason I put this section is because there is no reason not to inform you on everything on scrying that you should know but I tell you now that if you try these before you are ready then you could be hurt in some shape or form by one wrong move, which is why only experienced divinators should use this.

Black mirrors-> This is a form of divination in which you take a mirror and paint or make the back of the mirror reflector black. So when you put the mirror back into the casing the reflection is all black. Now after this you light up some candles, place them around it (and if you want light an incense) and then focus on the mirror. Now the spirits from the astral planes will come and speak with you through visions, pictures in your mind, images on the mirror, etc. which will show you your future.

Foresight spells-> The reason I put foresight spells here is because foresight is not for people who think they can just come in and read themselves and depict their future. Foresight spells are extremely hard to master because of the amount of energy you need to put into it and also hope that a spirit will actually answer you (or diety) and then hoping they will show you the way to this “enlightenment”.


Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 2
LESSON 1!!!!!

Now as for learning we are going to start with learning to use the pendulum. Hopefully during my hopeless rant on the different scrying and divining methods you have made your pendulum. Now we will start with this. DON’T EXPECT IT TO WORK ON THE FIRST TRY. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t.

First we need to program your pendulum. Take your pendulum and let it hand between your index finger and thumb about an inch down and a bit off the ground. What were going to do is teach your pendulum how to say “yes” and “no”. First greet your pendulum, and ask “ may you show me yes?” . Now what the pendulum should do is rotate clockwise. If it does then say “good this is yes, this is how you will answer yes”. If it does not show it what yes is by rotating it clockwise and say “this is yes, this is how you shall show me yes” (dont spin it like a wild crazy person either) and then repeat the show me yes part until it says yes.
Next you go to “no” ask “show me no” . If it shows “no” by spinning counterclockwise then good job say “good this is no, this is how you will say no”. If it does not spin counterclockwise then spin it counterclockwise and say “this is no, this is how you shall show me no” and then repeat the previous step again until it says no on its own.

Now the reason for this exercise is because we are trying to warm your pendulum up to you so it is good to keep it around you during the day and such so it can get used to your energies. Also do this practice atleast 5 times a day so it learns what it is supposed to do for yes and no.

In later messages I will post continued lessons such as how to rate books, how to find items, how to say maybe, how to read the weather and people, and more fun stuff with your pendulum. As well I will post a link later on this week to some videos I made of myself doing these exercises and show some fun little boards you can try to make on your own to use with your pendulum!

Until then have fun!


Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 3
ok im jumping into television now! In the show charmed, they show scrying for locating people. Can you really do that? just a thought.

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 4
yes that form of scrying is actually real and i will be teaching that. Its called "location scrying" (pretty obvious huh?) I'll be teaching lesser forms of it, as in finding things on a neighborhood wide scale at the maximum but we'll start with places like your house.

But you can go as large as you want as long as the map is smooth surfaced

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 5
Ah ok. that should be cool

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 6
Will you be teaching on how to get your pendy to stop lying?

All mine have seem to hate me lol. Rather annoying :/

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 7
lol wow. How can you make one? i'd rather make one because i'm a little tight on money...

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 8
I will be teaching in the next lesson how to gain trust with your pendulum so it never lies and as for making one all you need if 2-10 inches of a string or chain or etc. and tie one end of the string to a pointed object so that the tip is pointed down.

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 9
NOW EVERYONE THIS IS IMPORTANT: Ive started a video blog on the divination lessons because its easier to see what you need to learn in divination rather then read it. I will post up the word lessons and ill post a link to what im rambling about in the forums under my ramble on of divination have fun every one!

heres the link, this will be the youtube account i will be using for all of my divination videos and all lessons i post online! here it is:

Re: scrying and divination!!!
Post # 10
Great work JK,its a good link everyone should check it out

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