do u wanna new spells??

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Re: do u wanna new spells
Post # 21
All beginners on this site arent u =D well i am to but done my homework...=P
anyway i dont really know what would transformation mean but i think its getting look like animal just partially while metamorphoses gets u look like animal 100 % anyway i suggest not you try to do anything of that!I dunno the simptoms if a begginer try that maybe u would be stuck in animal or dunno something like that anyway an expert druid would easily shapeshift into many things but u arnt even druid so....try find druid sites and stuff try to life in harmony in nature help it =) and ummmm well the stones are supose to help you so i dunno so if u hold the stone while your meditating try to imbue the stone with magickal properties like be a cat in that meditation be a prt of nature and then when waking up from the meditating try to put that meditation,vision,dream whatever u call it in that stone....
I m good at ki/psi stuff but havent learned alot about druids,their spells and ways soooo =P tahts it from me
Blessed be
Snowy Leopard
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Re: do u wanna new spells
Post # 22
Ah yes black dragon i think there is no spell making fire(i think altho i m not sure and it would be quite practical...)the only way to make fire is ki energy as far as i know =)
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Re: do u wanna new spells??
Post # 23
I want to know a location spell to know were is a person at this time.thank you

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Re: do u wanna new spells??
Post # 24
Hey :-? somebody know a spell to levitate objects ? who know please tell me
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Re: do u wanna new spells
Post # 25
i need a spell to help me meditate. A spell to help me summon energy to help start a fire and a spell to start a fire.

oh and about that summoning my guardian wat will i need to do it thanx
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Re: do u wanna new spells
Post # 26
i would really like an animal summonig spell plz
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Re: do u wanna new spells??
Post # 27
To control fire you will need to practice pyrokinesis, I myself am a natural pyrokinetic. It does take a lot of practice and it takes quite a while to be able to start a fire with just your own energy if you are a beginner.
Try this, take a candle of a color of your choice, a color that means something to you is best but any color works, purple is also great to start with. Light the candle and meditate until you feel ready. Then open your eyes and focus on the flame, make sure your mind is completely clear. Now ask the flame to do certain things, ex. move to the left, move to the right, dance which makes it flicker, or even give you a hug, if you ask it to do that you will see two peices of the flame lift looking like arms. You can ask it to raise which will make the flame taller, or shrink. Then hold out you're palm and absorb the energy of the flame, not the flame itself just it's energy. Feel the warmth throughout your body. Do this for a while until you feel you are ready to advance.

After you are done with these sessions do the same process but with a second candle that is not lit near the lit candle. This takes a lot of time and practice. Concentrate on the flame moving from the already lit candle to the not lit candle. After you feel you are ready to advance do the same process, practice all of the above in one session then hold your hand in front of your body by the candle and concentrate on the flame moving from the candle to your palm.

Be EXTREMELY careful doing this for I do not want anyone harming themself because people have gotten third degree burns doing this.
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Re: do u wanna new spells??
Post # 28
To get good grades before a test or exam say this,
"On this test I take today, I will receive no less than A.
Earth, wind, fire, and sea, As I Say, So Mote It Be!"
And it also helps to draw a pentagram somewhere on the paper, maybe even to dot an i? It is up to you.
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Re: do u wanna new spells??
Post # 29
A friend of me got his heart broken,
is there a spell that I can cast to help him?
I prefer a spell without artifacts, candles and stuff because I'm not allowed to use them.
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Re: do u wanna new spells??
Post # 30
hey can u give me Some spells to make me get control over EARTH ELEMENTAL like an easy one or a spell to make Trees and plants grow faster or anything has to do with Earth

thank u in advance
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