am I evil?

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Re: am I evil?
Post # 11
i believe Nazaro was making fun of the fact that someone believes tiny bits of electricity firing at ungodly speeds, traveling to millions of machines made up of tiny off and on switches could possibly hold someones persona energy.

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Re: am I evil?
Post # 12
Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. LOL
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 13
you are you, and who you choose to be
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 14
i believe that everyone has evil and good side. as long as you behave, you can be the good one, but if u want to be the bad part, than u will. thats why think is very important.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 15
Good, and Evil, is a perception made by man, you are the person you create yourself to be, nothing less.

I agree with Nazro, while many would disagree, just like how in a circle, it is inadvisable to have metal, or electronics within (its just not natural) You cant have sense anything from anyone over the internet... I mean sure, you could use intuition, from how they act, and what they say, but anyone could do that.

I Recall an old FaQ from a Satanists website.

Q:Can I do magic online, with other people?
A: No, unless you feel yourself magically rooted to your computer, and chances are, if you do, its an addiction, and you should seek help.

Nice Dnd Reference :D
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 16
you kidna looks like a kid. no i snesed to neagtive vibs from you and hell yeah i can feel it over the internet. it's happen tons of times
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 17
I do not know why my message was deleted. Well, I only said that Teenagequeen is not an evil, she is only an ugly, horrible looking girl that hungry for love. Is that any wrong? Sick.... Fact and reality are always hurt... arggghhhh~
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 18
Evil is just matter of perception,more likely just a illusion of mind.

I agreed you cant sense over internet

But you can sense over long physical distance and someone profile on internet help "track" however you are trying to sense.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 19
There is no such thing as evil - only degrees of goodness. That's a quote I've just made up, and it could also be the other way round as well. To me sometimes you do require certain evil deeds to enforce goodness. Take this for example:
In the bible it says that you must forgive everyone and praise your enemies. Now say there was a president of a country in the 20th century who had an extremley powerful army, but then the neighbouring country invades. The president of the first country is angry but forgives the president of the neighbouring country. This is considered a good deed. But then say the president of the second country invades again and if he wins he would continue on his conquest. Now, the president of the first country could have lost that war and then forgave the second president and forgivness is considered a good deed...BUT then he'd be allowing the second president to conquer other countries who have much weaker forces and don't stand a chance at defense...OR the first president could have performed an EVil deed (that being not forgiving the second one) snd invading HIS country to negate the threat of another invasion. So therefore he did an evil deed to enforce justice.
In my opinon there are evil deeds, but it just depends on what these deeds are like to be considered un-utilatarianism and what good deeds are like to be considered un-just.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 20
Clement, that is simply uncalled for.

I don't see any where in this thread that she asked for someones opinion of her outter beauty.

It is not a fact, it's an opinion. And one that has nothing to do with anything.

Atleast she is brave enough to put up a picture of herself ( for the sake of this arguement, I'll assume it is her ) instead of a cat playing with whatever.
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