holy bible

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Re: holy bible
Post # 11
hey geri mars, thanx for all the information and i realize that sun dosen't rise nor set...tats a gud one lol.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 12
This is going to sound silly and immature...but once I figured out there was no mention of dinosausrs in the bible, I knew it was all fiction. lol
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Re: holy bible
Post # 13
LOL Zephr04.........I was just making one lil point that the bible has made so many silly statements...claiming it all is truth and comes from the all might himself....

I ask myself..if god is really stating these things, then how come an imperfect being like MAN can disprove god?

If you had of said - I feel the sun doe not rise nor set, I believe the earth may revolve around the sun....
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Re: holy bible
Post # 14
NeKroN Black ... you said above – you are angry at GARY MARS...well..when I see this GARY i’ll be sure to let him know you are pissed off LMAO

Here’s the thing.....I hold a right to give my opinions on how I see the bible...if your opinions differ, that my friend is not my problem...everyone is different...
For us all to share the same blinking views as the next guy...now that is a fairy tail...wacky and like the bible, not interesting but still a fairy tale!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: holy bible
Post # 15
I think that much of the Bible has been distorted. The Church has tampered with it so often to meet their views it can not be completely trusted. Some of the conflicting views found within are due to everything changing when Jesus came back. Certain things were not applicable any more due to the sin being taken away. One must remember, the New Testament is more of a revision of the rules rather than a contradiction of them. It can be very confusing for non-believers though. But as stated before, this is just my own personal opinion, all of you are entitled to yours as well of course. :D
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Re: holy bible
Post # 16
to be fair the bible is the bible and its made up of 32 books from the new testment with the old testment behind and the jewish laws added

its the book that chitrains belive in and whenever or not its true or not we should accept it just becuase its caused wars and deaths and feeds kids info it also has its good points.

going to church ever sunday to confesh your sins is a good thing for the persons soul.

the 10 commandments dont tell people to kill or hurt but not to hurt others treat others as you wise to be treated

by saying the bible is fake the wicca books and cult books could also be called fake by there sight and many wicca books go agest each other

all 32 bible books go to gether were like earth wicca necromancy wicca would have fights over which book is right till im dead.

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Re: holy bible
Post # 17
also the bible says ever one has free will so man can disprove god it also says man can do evil how much he wants and god will not stop him.

the bible has faults but so does wicca it should be accept and left alown when do we need the bible in wicca its a diffrent religon

we go on about chirtains having ago at are books but we do the same so in all rights its fair if we levie the chirtians alown and they leave us alown and maybe no war would become of this silly talk
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Re: holy bible
Post # 18
Again i have to agrree with my mate Luzifer altho i add to that the evil fantasy section xD
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Re: holy bible
Post # 19
NeKroN Black ... you said above you are angry at GARY MARS...well..when I see this GARY ill be sure to let him know you are pissed off LMAO

i sad I agry with you not Im angry at you and sorry for GARY thing
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Re: holy bible
Post # 20
NeKroN Black

No worries ..I laughed at you calling me Gary I called my husband in and showed him it...for my husbands name is GARY...so I was all - look Gary someone here is angry at ya LMAO we laughed it off

it's all good!
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