Combat magick

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Combat magick
Post # 1
Hello everyone. I'm quite new here and I'd like to ask if anyone wants to be my mentor? I'm very interested in combat magick and energy manipulation and also the science behind it. (Excuse my English, it's not my first language) Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.

By the way, are there any dangers in practicing energy manipulation? There was this one time when I spent months practicing it, but I experienced some peculiar mood swings (Not sure if I imagined it though)
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Re: Combat magick
Post # 2

While I can't say 100% the science behind it, "combat magic" isn't like you see in the movies. You don't throw fireballs or force choke someone. You focus your energy towards specfic parts of your body and charge it with your intentions. Basically how Monks are about to push themselves to do things we would normally think "impossible"; you are focusing your "lifeforce" to achieve something for just a moment. Basically, "combat magic" is focusing your energy and will to perhaps knock someone out with a single punch or withstand a heavy blow. You aren't physically changing yourself, but through "magic" you can push yourself to your limits.

Energy Manipulation can have side effects. Although they are often caused by other latent abilities, like empathy, and tend to deal with the type of energy you are manipulating. If you call upon a God of Death for "energy" that energy will likely shift your thinking towards Death. Manipulate the elemental energies and you could suffer sluggishness (Earth), Rage (Fire), Sadness (Water), or be stuck day-dreaming (Wind). The "side-effects" depend on your mind and the energies you are exposing yourself to. There is also the headaches and tiredness from relying on your own energy if for whatever reason you don't "ground" yourself to something (like the Earth).

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