One Strange Mark

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One Strange Mark
Post # 1
Greetings to everyone reading this, I am a newbie here and was suggested to come here by a friend of mine because of something that's been on my mind for quite a while. I'm not even sure if this is supposed to be here in the first place but it's a place to start.

So, to my story. I have noticed, and have been noticing for a while now though I paid it little to no heed, that there was something strange with my left palm. Upon closer inspection, I'd always see a semi complete circle missing the eastern quarter with a rather tiny ring in the center. Only today did I do something about it by enhancing the circle with a pen and to my surprise I started feeling a strange sensation in my fingers, like energy was passing across them. The first thing that always occurred to me when I looked at it was that it reminded me of a snake so first thing I thought of was Jormungandr, the Snake of Yggdrasil, but it doesn't have to be it. I asked my friend about it and she said it could be one side-ness or vulnerability from one side and confirmed that it has some magical properties since all marks like it do.

That's why I turned to you guys: to find anything that it could mean and what it's power could be, or what it was placed upon me for. Also, I was told once before that my energy core was actually focused in the same arm I have that mark on. Hope you can help.
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Re: One Strange Mark
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Wicca.
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Re: One Strange Mark
Post # 3
Interesting. How long have you had this mark?
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Re: One Strange Mark
Post # 4
All my life as far as I know. Though I just noticed what kept it out of sight for so long: it shifts. It's inconsistency is what makes it hard to notice, even for me. But as far as I know, it's always there.
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Re: One Strange Mark
Post # 5
Well, the left hand is said to be associated with darkness. (Or the Moon) There could be some relevancy to that.
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Re: One Strange Mark
Post # 6
Its just a birthmark. It may resemble something significant to you that has not come fully to your conciousness yet or you are possibly reading more into it. I know. I have one that looks like a penny stuck to my backside, on the left, just outside of any bathing suit line and completely visible to everyone. And on top of that my moms sister had the same one. Just a coincidence. It goes further. Her son was born on my moms birthday and then my grandma, their mom, passed on that same day. All just weird coincidence.
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