power hungry?

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power hungry?
Post # 1
Is it wrong to feel power hungry?

How often do any of you get this feeling?

What would you do to gain power?

I only know of one way to get any sort of power similar to what I would like to have.

But that would require me to turn my back on my family's beliefs.

It's not a path I would wish upon anyone.

I try to tell myself that it's not worth it but it feels like I have been lying to myself for years.
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 2
What kind of power?
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 3
By power I mean abilities out of the norm.

I still want to keep things realistic though. I understand that defying the laws of physics is impossible for humans.

So my idea of power as for what I can obtain deals with control over certain entities.

Not my ideal choice as I myself hate being manipulated.
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Re: power hungry?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
Wanting power is one thing, everybody wants that to a certain extent. Obsession with power is something else! That produced Hitler,Stalin,and many others like them!
A little hunger,yes! Too much, definitely not!
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 5
Then how do you lessen the hunger?
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Re: power hungry?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
You don't! Well, you say that you want power over "entities", so I assume you mean spirits. It is wanting power over people that is dangerous.
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 7
I would think that power over spirits would be dangerous as well.

I would prefer to have power other than that but as far as I know that's the most desirable that is possible.

The closest to having any kind of fantasy abilities that I know of is to use beings that aren't human.

I really hate the thought of the backlash from control over others. I know that I would personally be very sadistic to someone who had controlled me.
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 8
Careful, lust for power may lead to evil
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 9
I actualy have developed tons of powers aot of the normal, its nothing bad, actualy kind of useful
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Re: power hungry?
Post # 10
And power dosent lead to evil, I have tons of powers, but I dont feel the nead for power in general, powers mostly just come to me while im fooling aroand, power dosent make you evil, how you use it can
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