Do spells really work?

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Do spells really work?
Post # 1
I need to know if spells really work. I need a spell done asap! I need somebody to truly help me with a situation of infedility. Please!
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Re: Do spells really work?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

This isn't no episode of Charmed where you pick a spell off a random website and you're ready to work magick

It's a long learning process before you're even ready for that plus no one can cast a spell for you over the internet because I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even work

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Re: Do spells really work?
Post # 3

I agree with Zrozex.

Most Witches study and practise for many years in order to succeed with their workings.

Have you tried resolving your issues with other means? Remember:

"Never use the force of your powers, when the force of your personality will do"

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Re: Do spells really work?
Post # 4
So you mean no one can cast a spell for me?
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Re: Do spells really work?
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Magick as its core is pure raw energy

it must be directed to have an effect and if they aren't part of the situation or at least personally know of the people invovled then there is no direction to give it then it becomes useless

If they don't 100% know exactly their intent of what they're doing going in then it's just completely chaos and will return nothing

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