PSI Ball

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PSI Ball
Post # 1
Hey guys,
So yesterday, I think I made my own PSI Ball. When I made it, I didn't know what to do with it. I kinda just, let it go, then went on my marry way. So what are the uses of a PSI ball? And what does it mean if you "shell" it? How would I do that? Also, can you see your own PSI ball? When I made mine, my eyes were closed. I feel like if I opened my eyes, then it would go away. Thanks!
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Re: PSI Ball
Post # 2
To shell it from what I have been told is to pile more things around it, though I have not done that. I can see my energy ball and I use it for power in physical things usually martial arts of other fighting related things and it has always worked well for me. I can channel it to anywhere in my body. Some people say they can through them, others say it's fake. I have never thrown one or seen one leave my hand. It won't go away when you open your eyes, when you get use to it, you will be able to see it clearer. I never knew what it was when I first learned to use it so I really don't look at it, but some people do.
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