Ikram's Profile

Member Info
Name: Ikram
Location: Saudi Arabia
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 29 May 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
We have been deceived into thinking that we are the bodies that we occupy when we are not. We are Consciousness and we are endless sources of energy. We animate the bodies that we occupy. We are not men and we are not women. Our bodies are vessels that contain and entrap our souls. While you are in your body, you will not be able to interact with the other dimensions of reality unless you learn the art of Magick.
This world is controlled by magicians that have perpetuated their hold in this realm by making us believe that we are physical beings. They want us to believe that we are weak and powerless when we are not. They want us to believe that we cannot control our destiny when we can. They have invented religion, governments and money to control, manipulate and enslave us. They have caused all of the wars throughout history in order to make sacrificial offerings to their deities in the higher dimensions. These deities or souls manipulate this realm (third dimension) for the benefit of these magicians.
Always remember that you are powerful. Everything depends on what you believe in!