est1986's Profile

Member Info
Name: est1986
Location: Washington State
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 12 Mar 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello, I'm est1986, and I go by other similar usernames on a couple other websites.
I am 14, and a transgender male.
I am following the path of a Tameran witch, but I'm relatively new to the community, so please bear with me! I can, however, clarify that I am not interested in this spiritual path to get back at Jennifer from 5th grade or anything.
I am oddly scientific; interested in Nuclear physics and Computer Forensics. Although it's a bit strange, I'd love to visit nuclear sites around the world. So far, I've only been to one, which is Hanford, in Washington state.
My username also comes from my love of history. I love everything about the 1980's and 1940's, from the new technology to the fashion and culture.
In addition to all of that, I also love writing and drawing. I am an amateur animator; I make short animations about this planet I made up when I was 5. I've been adding to the storyline ever since then, and it's a big part of my life, so I'm sure to mention it often!