Anthonypoe's Profile

Member Info
Name: Anthonypoe
Last Seen: Mon, 06 Mar 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
hello as u can see i am Anthony i like to do spells to curse bring pain to people but thats only when i get really mad mostly evil spells that will make u fall apart anyways. ill tell about myself. i like gory blood guts stuff killings and i like scary movies are like my favorite things to watch.My most favorite is the exorcist i mean top favorites i like to watch it a lot.Oh yeah i can be really creepy sometimes i to stay in the dark a lot i hate the light mostly i just it was always dark all of the time just watching the moon shine on me its just so awesome at night be when the sun come out the it just ruins my day.I have very disturbing dreams a lot lately like one time i was outside of my house to my aunts house and there was a very intelligent demon that showed up out of no where and i can tell u what he loos like he had a nerdy cloths on and a pair of glasses and horns on his head very short and im like 6'3 anyways so soon as i got done being in the house then the demon took me outside and then as i was walking to the park then this demon girl came out and was standing out on the rock over by my aunts house raised her hand and was screaming i dont know why anyways oh yeah forgot ill tell what she looked like ok do you know left 4 dead right anyways the witch in left for dead was wearing the same outfit that the demon girl was wearing and her skin was very red and her hair was black and had very sharp teeth i couldn't get a good look at her face because her hair was covering it anyways the intelligent demon took me to hell as i was in hell to be honest it was hot i mean hot hot it was boiling hot so as i was looking i was hearing people screaming and it was very dark but the light source was the lava and the demon appeared out of no where and this skin was pink his face was from 300 the movie his face the creaked back guy from the movie but this demon didn't have a cricket back but his had something on it then all of a sudden this like creature or bugs that was attached to his back and then he screamed at me then he threw his self in the fire and then when he was done the demon said hey get me out but i couldn't do anything and thats when i waked up from sleep if you think this story was interesting add me and ill tell u more of my creepy dreams anyways my 3rd eye is opened 70% if u have any questions let me know and ill answer them anyways my color is black and red white