IohannaHeart's Profile

Member Info
Name: IohannaHeart
Location: United States
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 14 Apr 2016
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I'm new. I'm curious. But I don't want to do anything bad. I struggle with a lot of things. But I am interested in the Chakras, Tarot cards, healing, protection, and the psychic. I meditate and sometimes think that i see things or somehow know when things will happen or go bad or end. This has happened many times with my family and friends. Only my closest friend knows of this though. I'm not one to put down beliefs. I don't doubt that there are supernatural beings out there. I am curious about it all. But i like to compare myself to a cat, because of how curious they are. I get too curious and end up in trouble. Anyways, I'm an Aries. My element is fire and it describes me pretty much almost perfectly. Also in the Chinese chart I'm the year of the tiger.