Dragon86070's Profile

Member Info
Name: Dragon86070
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 08 Sep 2019
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello there, I would first start off that I am a new caster and that I would like to be given any advice available. I want to cast wing and dragon spells, other spells I will occasionally do. The reason I want to cast more wing and dragon spells is to make the world a better place for humans and other living things to live on, we only have one world you know, better make sure it's well in shape. I will change my bio when I'm more experience in what I want to learn. I will not tolerate any mean or hurtful things said to me but I am a nice person who would love to be friends with anyone. Also, to who ever is reading this, please mail me any advice on any topic. So yeah that's pretty much all, I wish you all good vibes and a good future ahead of you.