Creekgirl's Profile

Member Info
Name: Creekgirl
Location: Pennsauken NJ
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 09 Dec 2013
Membership: Member

Myspace: view

Personal Bio
Hello all, I am 26 years old and I have been studying magic for 13 years. I have knowledge in Sigil, Fire, Chaos, Lucifierian, and Voodoo. At an earlyt age I found out that my Grandmother practiced VooDoo and she soon started to teach me things also. I love to learn spells and new ways to learn what I love MAGIC. I love to study and learn about all magic. I do not think it is right to look down on anyone who prefers to do a certain type of magic. I think it is unfair to judge,and to limit what we try, because magick is limitless.