MissDragonA's Profile

Member Info
Name: MissDragonA
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 04 Nov 2013
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Come from a long line of Irish witches, but I haven't been as dedicated to it as I should be. I'd like to get back into practice and rituals and such and improve myself and build my knowledge base.
Very strong intuition and premonitions. I find it very easy to draw up power and I have to be very conscious of not projecting negativity onto people when I'm upset or angry. I need to learn how to control this better as things get out of hand and I blow up electrical items if I'm not careful. Gone thorugh toasters, hairdryers, stoves, fridges, several computers, a TV and a car....sheesh! lol...and I love laughing at myself.