7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Ice Tentacle
- Left Hand Shadow Spell
- how to know your spirtuirtal name
- how to teleport using white magick
- Purification Ceremony
- Make a Wish Spell
- Kanima Spell
- Fae / Fairy Info and Summonings
- Summon a Spirit Familiar
#921 - Ice Tentacle
To do it, in addition, charge yourself with water energy.
Then accumulate it in the hands, visualize how it shines in a pale blue glow
the energy covering your hand is long and changes slowly, forming itself into a huge white tentacle
take a swing and visualize how the tentacle covers the target can now be visualized as a whip cover with ice icicles that pierce the target of the favorite to increase pressure.
It all depends on the effect you want to achieve.
#922 - Left Hand Shadow Spell
Spirits of undead and spirits of the moon I ask you to give me the power
of Left Hand Shadow. I shall have the power to make spell casts stronger.
#923 - how to know your spirtuirtal name
#924 - how to teleport using white magick
When done with the snow chant: Earth worm, earth heal, earth live, so mote it be
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#926 - Purification Ceremony
this represents purity, and recite the following ritua
O Instruments, I Conjure Thee By The Power Of The Heavenly Host,
And By The Elements Of Fire, Wind, Earth And Rain, That Thou Shalt Be Clean
Of Foul Creatures And Obtain Every Virtue Unto Thyselves, And Work In All
Manners Directed From This Time On. By The Splendor Of The Planets And
The Divine Miracle Of Creation Mote It Be!
Sprinkle your instruments with the consecrated salt and cover them with a
piece of clean linen (do not use any other fabric). All your equipment is
now charged with positive energy and is ready to be used. If you add any
new products please repeat the ceremony for these items...you do not
want any outside, negative influences affecting your magick!
#927 - Make a Wish Spell
Before you begin the spell, decide which method you will be using.
The stash method. (Recommended.)
You will be storing your paper with the wish in a small container, like a box or a bag. This container must be kept somewhere safe and can be decorated however you desire. You may want to stick in some jewels, confetti, or ribbons inside, as well as a fresh scent if you desire. However you want is the best way. This container and the wishes inside may NOT be found by anyone else or they will NOT work... and people will see what you wrote.
The nature method. (Second-most recommended.)
You will be throwing your paper out a window. This works best if you live in the woods or on a high story of a building. Make sure you don't throw it where someone will find it. If you like the element Water, it may be best to toss it into water, such as an ocean or river.
The trash method. (Not recommended.)
If you simply cannot do the methods above, you may try this method. You will be disposing of your paper in the trash. It's easier than the above methods but not recommended, as you would be treating your wish like trash.
Now, here are the instructions for the spell:
1. Write your wish (phrased: "I wish ...") on a piece of paper. Take care to remember exactly what you wrote.
2. Slip the unfolded paper under your pillow and lay down on it for about 5 minutes. It's best to close your eyes and fantasize about what you'll do when you get your wish, but you can do whatever you want if you get bored.
3. Take the paper out from under your pillow, fold it 3 times, and touch it to your cheek or kiss it.
4. Dispose of/put away your wish in one of the methods explained above.
5. Once that is done, pronounce the word 'Jaaval' four times, then repeat exactly what you wrote on the paper.
It's that easy! Contact me through SoM mail if you have any questions, I'd love to hear if it worked for you.
Best wishes!
#928 - Kanima Spell
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#929 - Fae / Fairy Info and Summonings
Leave out snacks for your guests! Don't be rude, leave out treats like baked goods, sweet things, plant nectar, hummingbird feed, honey, etc..
Give them a concerto! Leave out bells and chimes, as these are the fairies favorite instruments! They love the sounds they make, and I myself recommend them for any home!
Also, they won't investigate your home unless they have a reason! Tempt them with shiny stones and metallic things! They love to investigate human things so humans be advised!!
Now, time for the meditation ritual...
Sit down by your fairy spot and think about all the lovely things in your life! All that you love and care about! And whenever you start thinking about bad things, like finances and family disputes... think about love and friendship and sweet things like the fae! And whenever you lose focus, don't give up hope! Know that there must be a light somewhere that's casting all the shadows on our existence!
Finally, calm down. Breathe. Question your existence. Wonder how something so great could be formed in this time and this place, and feel your aura glowing around you. Your light should be enough to guide the fae to your home!
#930 - Summon a Spirit Familiar
At night, go into your dark room and place the mirror on the floor. Put the chosen candles around it. Light the candles and stare into the mirror. Do not loose eye contact. Stare until you start seeing colorful shapes in the mirror. Then, close your eyes for 45 seconds. When you open them, you shall see your familiar.
Two things may happen:
1). It may leave if it does not choose you.
2). It will choose you and come out of the mirror to you.
Once this happens, you may say thank you for choosing me and blow out the candles. Turn on the lights. The spirit is now with you forever.
Last edited on Sep 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.