This spell will help you gain more power to do other spells in mind .
You may need:
Any Candle (optional)
A pentagram (drawn or printed) (optional)
You may need:
Any Candle (optional)
A pentagram (drawn or printed) (optional)
Say x2
"By the power of the moon and
The Rays of the sun
The power within has just begun
Gods and Goddesses
With all your might give me the power
To win this fight"
"By the most powerful three
This is my will so mote it be"
You will be able to summon an elemental pet of any kind. Courtesy of the League of Magic.
You may need:
You may need:
This spell is very time consuming. Before you go to sleep on the 1st of any month, think of a pet. Any pet from an Ant to a Zebra, you can summon. Once you have thought of a pet, Say this chant.
"On the night of this day,
A new beginning starts,
I want an animal,
And we will never be apart."
Say this 3 nights in a row. On the third morning, look outside. If you see any hint of your animal being there, then it worked.
Mix together chili powder, red pepper, black pepper, and sulfur. Add mixture to cornstarch. Place in the path of the victim usually across their doorway. Or mixed with the dirt of where the victim stepped.
This is a spell to bind together everyone in that said circles magic.
You may need:
Mandrake root
Fire pit/place
You may need:
Mandrake root
Fire pit/place
Stand in front of your fire source and have everyone else stand around it as well. Repeat the following incantation 3 times (for a fire pit/place) " Da Mihi ut videam lumen in tut mysteriis tenuit ad me.Terra aera et aquam ad sustinere viverem iterum"
Set up your candles in the order of red and black in a circle around you put the mirror in front of you and light each candle on the red ones when you light it say:
and on the black ones say:
"Death while doing so you should be in the middle of the circle of candles."
When they are all lit you should chant while looking into the mirror:
"Hades oh Hades powerful god of the underworld I wish to speak with you Hades oh Hades."
Three times then stare deeply into the mirror and he should appear for a short time but long enough to talk to.