Meditate as long as you wish a day for 1 week and if you are worthy you will obtain the power. If you are not worthy try doing good deeds and helping others and the envoriment and that should work.
Well, you get realy I meen realy psychic (si-kick) in 2 hours!
You may need:
Strong and Clear Voice
100% Focused
Believe to be Psychic
Imagining (GOOD)
Purple Candle
You may need:
Strong and Clear Voice
100% Focused
Believe to be Psychic
Imagining (GOOD)
Purple Candle
Okay, first imagine that you have awsome psychic powers you love (si-kick). Now say:
''Psychic, Psychic, Come to me.
Psychic, Psychic, I will be.
Psychic, Psychic, let it be.
Psychic, Psychic, tell me what
it shall be. Psychic, Psychic,
Psychic, So Mote It Be!
O yea, light the candle and say that a few more times then 10times. It worx. I developed it!
create a symbol for your innermost desires. Whether it's a new car, money.
You may need:
You may need:
Put the pen on the left edge of the paper. concentrate really hard on what you desire most. Close your eyes allowing the pen to seem to move on its on, on the paper. After sevaral minutes move to the rightside of the paper doing the same thing. then do it on the lower right edge of the paper, and then the lower leftside.
When you finished what ever shapes pop out at you the most those are the ones you want in the sigil. Pick at least 2 from each side and begin assembling them. All you have to do now is name your sigil and charge it.
* it won't take effect immediatly but soon you will notice a change.
Well, I made this spell. It worx because everyone that has done it got and pain side affects. I developed anyone can use it. It worx. I done it my legs are in pain. You don't get rely bad pain, they jiggle and pound.
You may need:
A Piggy Tail on your risk
Smoothed Waterd Hand (Right Hand)
Gods Side
You may need:
A Piggy Tail on your risk
Smoothed Waterd Hand (Right Hand)
Gods Side
Okay, this was made by me, so you will mess up. I you do, you start where you left off at of counting.
Oh and you must say this 10x or it will not work. This is the way I made the spell, so its more powerful...
Put on your Piggytail (RISK) You can have a black or white piggytail or your fav. color, not random!
The Spell To Say:
All the gods that live in the sea, speak to me. I have a wish to become a merman. As I cast this spell, my legs transform, mermaid dry and mermaid wet. I never grow the legs back, I shall stand be, the power of you. Every god in the world, I wish to be, a merman so happily. I can live on land, because I stand. Oh Jesus and my King, make me a merman forever be. My power of ______ an a tail colored ______. Oh gods that stand, everday I have this tail, never in the mail. So Mote It Be!
And you always have a tail wet and dry, you get powers. Replace the _____ with the powers and tail color you want....This is not revercible.
1) Place your picture under the white candle and picture of them under the pink candle and put them in front of you slightly apart.
2) Use the ribbons to join the pictures together (this represents your love).
3) Light the candles.
4) Say the following as you are moving the pictures away from each other so that the white ribbon, candle and picture and moving away to your left and the pink candle, ribbon and picture of your ex are moving to your right (this represents your love for them going away)
"My heart is broken, it needs to heal
I separate the love that I still feel
Heal my heart help me move on
When the candles go out my love will be gone."