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2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2959 Health Spells
2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2959 Health Spells
  1. Cursing the Hidden Pain
  2. Plant
  3. Immortality
  4. Past Problems Away
  5. Heal a Broken Heart
  6. Summon the Grim Reaper
  7. Kill Your Best Mate
  8. Fire Healing Spell
  9. Healing Charm
  10. Druidic Healing Spell

#2841 - Cursing the Hidden Pain

You always hated this person and could not get anyone else to see how much pain your in from him/her...could not live to see him/her laughing, breathing, living?
You may need:

  • Voice
  • 1 doll
  • Blonging of Who you wish to curse
  • 3 Pins
  • Must happen at Night Time
  • 1 Red Candle
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • 1 doll
  • Blonging of Who you wish to curse
  • 3 Pins
  • Must happen at Night Time
  • 1 Red Candle
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    First light your candle then make sure you lights are turned off place the doll in front of you and the pins and the blong od the person beside the doll. If the doll has buttons as eyes rip them off or cut them.

    Then prick your finger with the pin and make yourself bleed ONLY put one drop of blood on the blonging of the person you hate and one drop of blood on the doll. This will make them connected able to reach the pain.

    Once this is done the blood with seep into the doll, wait till it does do not force it.The say these word:

    "This night it ends what you've done to me, you made me see thatI don't have to listen to words that hurt or offend me, so with the blood split for me the pain from you to me will come back around only to hurt the tourturer."

    Then when you reach the end of it stab two pins in the dolls head and one when its heart is.

    The next day somthing will be different about the person you hate so dearly.

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    Last edited on Jan 29, 2016
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    #2842 - Plant

    Use a plant to help heal.
    You may need:

  • Plant
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    You may need:

  • Plant
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    Raise your hands to either side of the plant and chant: "In thee, small plant, magic lives by the sun, rain and earth. Made whole, I conjure thee. Thy power, give to me to heal the flesh and ease the soul".

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    Last edited on Jan 19, 2016
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    #2843 - Immortality

    A spell to make you immortal: it cannot be reversed.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Focus on your next birthday and your previous birthday. Focus on the age you want to reach as your last birthday and chant: "Let me live forever".

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    Last edited on Jan 19, 2016
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    #2844 - Past Problems Away

    Gets rid of all your past troubles, regrets, fears, and all other negative influences.
    You may need:

  • 1 blue candle
  • Clear voice
  • Deep concentration
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    You may need:

  • 1 blue candle
  • Clear voice
  • Deep concentration
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    Light a green candle and place it on a table (glass, if you want more ambience). Close your eyes and visualize yourself stripped of every fear, regret or any problem you had in the past. Next, while the candle is lit, wave your hand over the flame 3 times and chant the following words:

    This healing spell I cast
    Brings troubles in the past
    To an everlasting end.

    Regrets, fears and negatives
    Shall now turn into positives,
    Healing body, mind and soul.

    Goddess and God of the elements,
    Cure my wounds and my ailments
    And make me one with the future.

    So mote it be,
    So mote it be.

    To increase the effectiveness of the spell, you may want to let the smoke flow through and around you after you blow the candle out. The smoke just helps to lift the burden placed on your shoulders, and maybe even start a new beginning.

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    #2845 - Heal a Broken Heart

    Use this to heal the pain from a bad relationship.
    You may need:

  • 1/4 Cup seasalt
  • 2 Candles
  • Mirror
  • A small cloth
  • A copper penny
  • Teaspoon dried jasmine
  • Teaspoon orris root powder
  • 1/4 Cup lavender flowers
  • Teaspoon yarrow
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    You may need:

  • 1/4 Cup seasalt
  • 2 Candles
  • Mirror
  • A small cloth
  • A copper penny
  • Teaspoon dried jasmine
  • Teaspoon orris root powder
  • 1/4 Cup lavender flowers
  • Teaspoon yarrow
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    During evening of full moon, after the sun set, take a bath. Add the sea salt into the water and light the candle. When you are finished with the bath, dress and then extinguish the candle. Light the second candle and lay the mirror face up in front of it. On the mirror, mix the jasmine, orris root, lavender and yarrow.

    Once you've mixed the ingredients, say "Spirit of the moon, heal my broken heart. Let the shadow of pain drift away into your silvery light. Spirit of the moon, let my heart heal. Once more let it be strong, so that I may love again".

    Place the mixture into the cloth, placing the penny inside, and close. Tie the cloth. Extinguish the candle. Finish by hanging the bag inside your bedroom.

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    Last edited on Jan 17, 2016
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    #2846 - Summon the Grim Reaper

    A death spell that summons the grim reaper.
    You may need:

  • 10 Black candles
  • Dark room
  • Picture of victim
  • Offering
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    You may need:

  • 10 Black candles
  • Dark room
  • Picture of victim
  • Offering
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    Light the ten black candles in a dark room. Place before the candles the offering you have collected and a picture of the intended victim. Chant: "Power of dark power of light summon the great reaper to win the life fight". Hold the picture of the victim over the flame until it turns to ash.

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    #2847 - Kill Your Best Mate

    A spell directed to kill a friend of yours who has angered you. Can be changed to be used to kill anyone.
    You may need:

  • 1 Black candle
  • Picture of person
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black candle
  • Picture of person
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    Light a black candle and place it in front of you. Put near it a picture of the person you want to direct the spell at. While staring at the flame and the picture, say "I kill you with this curse. Now is the hour. Let him/her go at this time, I pray". Burn the picture of the person and then bury the ashes.

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    #2848 - Fire Healing Spell

    This fire-based spell is used to target a specific illness.
    You may need:

  • paper
  • red candles
  • heat proof container.
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    You may need:

  • paper
  • red candles
  • heat proof container.
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    Draw a picture of target with disease, wound, or condition. Clearly point out the problem in the picture: a large hammer against the head to depict a headache; black worms for viruses, broken limbs, etc. [in general, draw something specific to depict your ailment.] Charge red candle with healing energy; light candle's flame; hold tip of picture in flame. After paper is lit, drop in heat proof container. Now with candle still burning, draw another picture without depiction of illness; place picture under candle. Let candle burn out. Spells takes one and a half to two months to take effect... for moderate illnesses... longer for more serious ones...

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    #2849 - Healing Charm

    This water-based spell creates a charm which will cure illnesses- no matter how severe or life-threatening- over time... this is an advance nature magic spell
    You may need:

  • spring or stream water
  • woool
  • silver knife
  • large bowl
  • scented oil
  • red wine
  • white velvet cloth
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    You may need:

  • spring or stream water
  • woool
  • silver knife
  • large bowl
  • scented oil
  • red wine
  • white velvet cloth
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    Gather a quart of water from a spring or stream, and pour it into the large bowl, set within a darkened chamber; by candlelight, then take a silver knife and write with its point upon the water's surface the name of that which afflicts you. Next, soak, a small lock of lamb's wool first in a scented oil and second in some red wine. Carry it to the bowl and drop it in the water, saying the following incantation:

    ''The dark be lightened
    The harsh be softened
    The rank be sweetened
    By the power of the blade
    And by the power of the water.''

    After saying the incantation, leave the lamb's wool there to soak all night, until sunrise, when it should be removed, wrung out and set to dry upon a small circle of white velvet cloth. Meanwhile, the contents of the bowl should be emptied into a howl dug into the earth, and the hole filled again. When the lamb's wool is quite dry, it should be sewn up in the velvet and pined beneath your clothing. to be worn there for a full month, and thereafter, kept elsewhere is safety, that its charmed powers may not diminish through neglect.

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    #2850 - Druidic Healing Spell

    This is a healing spell which can effectively cure most illnesses...
    You may need:

  • ingredients: blue candle
  • parchment
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    You may need:

  • ingredients: blue candle
  • parchment
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    Write name of unwell persons (or animals) on a blue candle. On a piece of parchment, write a list of things that you wished to be healed. Light the candle. As the flames engulf the candle, hold the paper to the flame to burn it. As it burns, you chant the following incantation: ''By full moon's light, with helping hands, I spread good health throughout the lands. Send energies far and near, to heal this earth... that I hold dear.
    And all of those so dear to me, with harm to none, so mote it be.''
    Let candle burn out.

    Spell takes one and a half to two months to cure moderate illnesses and six months to cure serious illnesses (I will add spells to cure life-threatening illnesses later on!)

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    2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters