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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. ISTTD
  2. Remove Negative Energy
  3. Shut Up
  4. Bind Bullies
  5. Banish Illness
  6. Bad Luck
  7. Death to all Enemies
  8. Health Spell
  9. Disinfection
  10. Hurt

#2611 - ISTTD

This spell will allow you to summon spirits and communicate with them.
You may need:

  • 2 black candles
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    You may need:

  • 2 black candles
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    At midnight, draw a pentagram on the ground. Light two black candles and place them at either side of the pentagram and chant the following three times: "Take me to the land of the land. Let me see what is there. Let me communicate for these spirits are eerywhere. May these spirits come and join me, walk this black dim path"

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    Last edited on Aug 26, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2612 - Remove Negative Energy

    This is to help rid yourself of other peoples negative energy.
    You may need:

  • 1 Blue Candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Blue Candle
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    Light the candle and meditate for a few minutes.
    Visualize a small hole in the small of your back.
    Move the negative energy down towards the hole
    and let it drain out into the earth.
    Continue to do this until you feel it all drain out
    close the hole.
    Visualize a white light all through your body and embrace yourself
    then snuff out the candle when you are ready.

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    Last edited on Aug 31, 2016
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    #2613 - Shut Up

    A spell to make someone be quiet.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say, "It's getting really annoying and I want to hear no more. Make (name) shut up, so mote it be".

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    #2614 - Bind Bullies

    This spell wont hurt your bully it will make them leave you alone.
    You may need:

  • 3 black candles
  • 1 black pen
  • Black thread
  • Piece of paper
  • 1 empty glass jar
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    You may need:

  • 3 black candles
  • 1 black pen
  • Black thread
  • Piece of paper
  • 1 empty glass jar
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    Do this spell on a Saturday of a waning moon. Set the candles in a triangle so that you may sit in the middle. Light them, and write the bully's name on a piece of paper. Draw an X over thier name, then fold the paper three times while you say:

    "I bind you, bully, so you cannot hurt me anymore. Both physically and emotionally. Get out of my life and leave me alone. I bind you, (name), I bind you".

    Tie the thread around the paper and pop it in the jar, then screw on the lid. Snuff out the candles, leave the triangle and go indoors. The next day, bury the jar or hide it where it will not be found.

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    Last edited on Aug 27, 2016
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    #2615 - Banish Illness

    This spell is to banish an illness from a friend or a loved one.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Fire
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Fire
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    Cast the salt into the flames of the fire. The flames should turn blue. Gaze into the flames and with as much feeling and imagination as you can muster, visualize the illness leaving the person while incanting: "Sickness burn, great health return".

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    #2616 - Bad Luck

    This is a spell to give your enemies bad luck, specifically minor injuries.
    You may need:

  • Enemy
  • Picture of enemy
  • Mental picture of enemy (pretty much just knowing what they look like.
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    You may need:

  • Enemy
  • Picture of enemy
  • Mental picture of enemy (pretty much just knowing what they look like.
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    Concentrate hard on your enemy, or picture of them. You may meditate if you wish. Then repeat the following 13 times:

    "You've done me wrong, now feel my wrath!"

    I wrote it when this girl I know was teasing me. The next day she came in with a broken elbow.

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    Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
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    #2617 - Death to all Enemies

    Kill your enemies with this spell.
    You may need:

  • 5 black candles
  • Cup of deer blood
  • Paper and pen
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    You may need:

  • 5 black candles
  • Cup of deer blood
  • Paper and pen
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    Draw the upside-down star\. Make a fire in the middle. Put the candles at the points of the star and say, "Greek God, Hades, let them know what pains they have caused me". Write down all the names of your enemies and throw it into the fire. Say, "Hades, as I send them to you let them know they are done for". When the fire goes out, say, "Hades, they are coming now. Make them scream very loud".

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    #2618 - Health Spell

    This spell will work to help a loved one heal.
    You may need:

  • 1 white taper candle
  • Meditation
  • Able to transfer energy
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    You may need:

  • 1 white taper candle
  • Meditation
  • Able to transfer energy
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    Light a white tapper candle and medatate on all the good times you've had with them and on the times you will have with them in the future. Focus on he/she getting well alow your energy to travel to he/she know that he will get better you can say a spell it is optunal but KNOW that he will get better and focus on his health. When you feel that you have done this secesfully you can stop medatating and let the candle burn intill it goes out on its own and remember that you have to KNOW it will work not think or believe.

    This spell worked for me it helped my friend who overdosed now she is as good as ever.

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    Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
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    #2619 - Disinfection

    A spell to help destroy bacteria in a wound.
    You may need:

  • One candle,any color(optional)
  • A powerful mind.
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    You may need:

  • One candle,any color(optional)
  • A powerful mind.
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    1.Produce a Gentle Flame

    You can do this either by concentrating hard to produce a blue flame through visualization or by channelling energy into a candle flame.

    2.Put the Flame Onto the Sufferer's Skin

    This will channel the energy from the flame safely into the wound, disinfecting it.

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    #2620 - Hurt

    This will hurt the one you cast it on.
    Just be careful!
    You know it's black magic.
    You may need:

  • A branch from a lemon tree
  • Some gods tears(rosemary,thyme,green pepper mixed together in a mortar)
  • A pentacle
  • Some things that represents the elements.(5 things)
  • A doll made of cloth ( Cloth ONLY!)
  • A picture of the target (you can think of him to)
  • A red,white and blue candle
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    You may need:

  • A branch from a lemon tree
  • Some gods tears(rosemary,thyme,green pepper mixed together in a mortar)
  • A pentacle
  • Some things that represents the elements.(5 things)
  • A doll made of cloth ( Cloth ONLY!)
  • A picture of the target (you can think of him to)
  • A red,white and blue candle
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    Put the the pentacle on the floor / table. Place the things that represents the elements around the pentacles points.
    Pour both the gods tears and the lemon tree branch in a glass of water. Place the glass in front of the pentacle. Now, place the doll in the middle of the the pentacle. If you have a picture put it there then. Light the candles and say:
    Now, this spell will rise in their power and curse my enemy. So mote it be.

    If you don't have a picture you can think of the person instead.

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    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters