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2 Fantasy Spells from Element Magick

Covens Element Magick  ► Element Magick's Spellbooks  ► 2 Fantasy Spells
2 Fantasy Spells from Element Magick

Included in this list of 2 Fantasy Spells
  1. Dragon Guardian Aid
  2. A Dragon Element Healing Spell
#1 - #2

#1 - Dragon Guardian Aid

Call forth your dragon in aid of your protection
You may need:

  • Clarity
  • Connection with Dragon
  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • Clarity
  • Connection with Dragon
  • Focus
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    Note: You must already have an established connection with your dragon spirit guide in order for this to work. Dragons view themselves as your equal or even greater, so respect them.

    Chant the following:

    ''Dragon, my time is here,
    Come to me, your duty is clear,
    Give me wisdom, give me strength,
    Help me now, aid me with your spirit.''

    *Say Dragon Name* I call thee, not in command, but in plea.

    *Say Dragon Name* I call thee, not as ruler, but as a friend in need.

    So mote it be.

    Added to on Feb 09, 2014
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    #2 - A Dragon Element Healing Spell

    A healling spell
    You may need:

  • Mind
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    You may need:

  • Mind
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    Mother Dragon of Unborn Fold
    Father Dragon of Wisdom of Old
    A child of Yours is of ill health
    In serious need of Your bountiful wealth
    Your blessings and healing is what he/she needs
    You are in power to sew this seed.
    Bring love and comfort unto this child.
    Bathe (him/her) in your wondrous Light

    WaRnInG: It is tempting sometimes to change the words of spells. But do NOT ask for dragon's fire in this spell! Wwe know someone who did this and his house burned down 3 nights afterward!! Do not cause your spells to backfire upon yourself!! Be careful what you say and be cautious of what you THINK when doing magick!!

    Added to
    Part of the Element Magick Library.

    2 Fantasy Spells from Element Magick
    #1 - #2